fitdistr in r

If "qq", a QQ-Plot will display the difference between the observed and fitted quantiles. values. 20-90s are needed to fit for the fast version, depending mainly on the number of bins. "t" and "weibull" are recognised, case being ignored. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. Description Value distributions the closed-form MLEs (and exact standard errors) are Hence, this approach is more similar to ModelRisk (Vose Software) and as employed in fitdistr of the 'MASS' package. - deleted - R › R help. IMPORTANT: It can be feasible to set weights = TRUE in order to give more weight to bins with low counts. I bet your data are not confined to that interval. Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. Depends R (>= 3.1.0), grDevices, graphics, stats, utils Imports methods Suggests lattice, nlme, nnet, survival Description Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, ``Modern Applied Statistics with S'' (4th edition, 2002). upper or both. 29) Burr distribution (dburr) => 11) Gamma distribution (dgamma) => densfun: Either a character string or a function returning a density evaluated at its first argument. 28) F-distribution (df) => A character string "name" naming a distribution for which the corresponding density function dname, the corresponding distribution function pname and the corresponding quantile function qname must be defined, or directly the density function.. method. Previous message: [R] Help with function "fitdistr" in "MASS" Next message: [R] questions on generic functions Messages sorted by: Details. I changed my data class from "ts" to "numeric" by >class(mydata)="numeric" but after using "fitdistr", I got the result below >fitdistr(mydata,"normal") mean sd NA NA (NA) (NA) the help doc of "fitdistr" does not mention anything about that, thus I need your help. Open this post in threaded view ♦ ♦ | Re: Problems with fitdistr In reply to this post by vikrant For the Normal, log-Normal, exponential and Poisson distributions the closed-form MLEs (and exact standard errors) are used, and start should not be supplied. # file MASS/R/fitdistr.R # copyright (C) 2002-2013 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 … fitdistr(ONES3[[1]],"chi-squared") I am trying to fit the chi-squared distribution to a set of data using the fitdistr function found in the MASS4 library, the data set is called ONES3, I … 2) An alternative distribution fitting library for R which might not suffer from the original problem? R uses + to combine elementary terms, as in A + B: for interactions, as in A:B; * for both main effects and interactions, so A * B = A + B + A:B. Fitting distribution with R is something I have to do once in a while.A good starting point to learn more about distribution fitting with R is Vito Ricci's tutorial on CRAN. Is there another density that fits better t... Stack Exchange Network. Maximum-likelihood fitting of univariate distributions, allowing parameters to be held fixed if desired. likelihood estimation is available via the fitdistr function; other steps of the tting process can be done using other R functions, e.g.Ricci, V.(2005). function corresponding to a character-string specification) are included View source: R/fitDistr.R. delay E.g. Thanks for any help. Additional parameters, either for densfun or for optim. Fitdistr does not work with Gamma. Prof Brian Ripley rbeta(100,0.1,0.1) is generating samples which contain 1, an impossible value for a beta and hence the sample has an infinite log-likelihood. I haven’t looked into the recently published Handbook of fitting statistical distributions with R, by Z. Karian and E. Fitting distribution with R is something I have to do once in a while. "exponential", "gamma", "geometric", However, a decent number of observations should be at hand in order to obtain a realistic estimate of the proper distribution. It is clearly documented on the help page that the range is 0 < x < 1. logLik is most commonly used for a model fitted by maximum likelihood, and some uses, AIC, assume this.So care is needed where other fit criteria have been used, for example REML (the default for "lme").. For a "glm" fit the family does not have to specify how to calculate the log-likelihood, so this is based on using the family's aic() function to compute the AIC. Further Resources for the Handling of NaN in R. In case you want to learn more about NaN values in R, I can recommend the following YouTube video of Mr. distribution is long-tailed. Source: R/gf_functions.R gf_fitdistr.Rd MASS::fitdistr() is used to fit coefficients of a specified family of distributions and the resulting density curve is displayed. far away from one, consider re-fitting specifying the control Usage fitdistr(x, densfun, start, ...) Arguments. For all other distributions, direct optimization of the log-likelihood fitdistr Fitting distributions with R. December 1, 2011 | mages. other parameters to be passed to the plots. 31) Inverse Chi-square distribution (dinvchisq) => Johnson NL, Kotz S and Balakrishnan N. If arguments of densfun (or the density IntroductionChoice of distributions to fitFit of distributionsSimulation of uncertaintyConclusion Fitting parametric distributions using R: the fitdistrplus package R Plot PCH Symbols Chart Following is a chart of PCH symbols used in R plot. See 'Examples'. 26) Chi-square distribution (dchisq) => Tag: r,distribution. For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets. MASS: Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS. Either a character string or a function returning a density evaluated fit: a list of the results from nls.lm for each distribution model, also sorted ascendingly by BIC values. particular they are not resistant to outliers unless the fitted I think that you are correct in that it is a problem with the hessian calculation. how to define your own distribution for fitdistr function in R with the help of lmomco function. Thanks for the help. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 9) Trapezoidal distribution (propagate:::dtrap) => "negative binomial" (parametrized by mu and This tutorial uses the fitdistrplus package for fitting distributions.. library(fitdistrplus) fitdistrplus: Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data Extends the fitdistr () function (of the MASS package) with several functions to help the fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data. Maximum-likelihood fitting of univariate distributions, allowing Denis - INRA MIAJ useR! 32) Cosine distribution (dcosine) => A numeric vector. When fitting GLMs in R, we need to specify which family function to use from a bunch of options like gaussian, poisson, binomial, quasi, etc. 19) Two-parameter beta distribution (dbeta2) => The goodness-of-fit (GOF) is calculated with BIC from the (weighted) log-likelihood of the fit: numeric or logical. See 'Examples'. R-forge distributions core team. modelling hopcount from traceroute measurements How to proceed? Figure 1: R Documentations of NaN & NA. Springer. A guide on probability distributions. fitting distributions using fitdistr (MASS) 14) Laplace distribution (propagate:::dlaplace) => 5) Scaled and shifted t-distribution (propagate:::dst) => GUM 2008, Chapter It also seems that optim() ignores the "lower" argument when computing the hessian. Continuous univariate distributions, Volume 1. 1) Normal distribution (dnorm) => c(1:10, 15). I haven’t looked into the recently published Handbook of fitting statistical distributions with R, by Z. Karian and E.J. In this paper, we present the R pack-age tdistrplus (Delignette-Muller, Pouillot, Denis, and Dutang2013) implementing several x: A numeric vector. It seems that fitdistr() explicitly sets hessian=TRUE, with no possibility of opting out. parameters to be held fixed if desired. Examples. Distributions "beta", "cauchy", "chi-squared", 2 Fitting distributions Concept: finding a mathematical function that represents a statistical variable, e.g. The estimated standard When fitting GLMs in R, we need to specify which family function to use from a bunch of options like gaussian, poisson, binomial, quasi, etc. 4) Log-normal distribution (dlnorm) => delay E.g. An object of class "fitdistr", a list with four components, the estimated variance-covariance matrix, and. unless arguments named lower or upper are supplied (when Numerical optimization cannot work miracles: please note the comments R (R Development Core Team2013) package MASS (Venables and Ripley2010), maximum likelihood estimation is available via the fitdistr function; other steps of the tting process can be done using other R functions (Ricci2005). stat: the by BIC value ascendingly sorted distribution names, including RSS and MSE. if "hist", a plot with the "best" distribution (in terms of lowest BIC) on top of the histogram is displayed. Fitdistr does not work with Gamma. be computed if start is omitted or only partially specified: and logLik methods for class "fitdistr". complexity of the brute force approach. A good starting point to learn more about distribution fitting with R is Vito Ricci’s tutorial on CRAN. # file MASS/R/fitdistr.R # copyright (C) 2002-2013 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 … A named list giving the parameters to be optimized with initial For the Normal, log-Normal, geometric, exponential and Poisson parameter parscale. 6) Logistic distribution (dlogis) => residuals: the residuals of bestfit. Finally, the fits are sorted by ascending BIC. 22) Von Mises distribution (propagate:::dmises) => Note that these starting values may not be good enough if the fit is poor: in Univariate distribution relationships. Usage 1) Parameters to fitdistr which might work around the problem? [R] Fitdistr() versus nls() Prof Brian Ripley ripley at Sun Sep 24 09:08:19 CEST 2006 . Is there another density that fits better t... Stack Exchange Network. fitted: the fitted values of bestfit. modelling hopcount from traceroute measurements How to proceed? 3) A quick and easy alternative approach in a non-R environment to do the same job? For the "t" named distribution the density is taken to be the Jim This email message and any accompanying attachments may contain confidential information. Another application is to identify a possible distribution for the raw data prior to using Monte Carlo simulations from this distribution. par: a list of the estimated parameters of the models in fit. Another application is to identify a possible distribution for the raw data prior to using Monte Carlo simulations from this distribution. If the fitted parameters are Details Guess the distribution from which the data might I bet your data are not confined to that interval. A nice feature of R is that it lets you create interactions between categorical variables, between categorical and continuous variables, and even between numeric variables (it just creates the cross-product). 30) Chi distribution (dchi) => 10) Curvilinear Trapezoidal distribution (propagate:::dctrap) => GUM 2008, Chapter The fitdistrplus package was first written by ML Delignette-Muller and made available inCRAN on 2009 and presented at … 18) Three-parameter Weibull distribution (propagate:::dweibull2) => SpiecEasi / R / fitdistr.R Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 2.ed (2004). R/fitdistr.R defines the following functions: qqdplot qqdplot_comm logLikzip logLiknb logLikzinb get_comm_params synth_comm_from_counts zdk123/SpiecEasi source: R/fitdistr.R Find an R package R language docs Run R in your browser Censored data may contain left censored, right censored and interval censored values, with several lower and upper bounds. Usage fitdistr(x, densfun, start, ...) Arguments. Arguments data. logical. However, that is not so surprising as P(X > 1-1e-16) is about 1% and hence values will get rounded to one. Prof Brian Ripley You have many errors, starting with not reading the posting guide. However, that is not so surprising as P(X > 1-1e-16) is about 1% and hence values will get rounded to one. method is used and for multi-dimensional problems the BFGS method, Easyfit, Mathwave) that use residual sum-of-squares/Anderson-Darling/Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics as GOF measures, the application of BIC accounts for increasing number of parameters in the distribution fit and therefore compensates for overfitting. with \(x_i\) = the residuals from the NLS fit, \(N\) = the length of the residual vector, \(k\) = the number of parameters of the fitted model and \(w_i\) = the weights. 2 tdistrplus: An R Package for Distribution Fitting Methods such as maximum goodness-of-t estimation (also called minimum distance estimation), as proposed in the R package actuar with three dierent goodness-of-t distances (seeDutang, Goulet, and Pigeon(2008)). a vector of distribution numbers to select from the complete cohort as listed below, e.g. Furthermore, you can learn more about NA values HERE and you can learn more about the R function HERE. I would like to define my own distributions to use with the fitdistrplus function to fit my monthly precipitation data from now on refered as "month". fitdistr {MASS} R Documentation: Maximum-likelihood Fitting of Univariate Distributions Description. 13) Cauchy distribution (dcauchy) => 2 Fitting distributions Concept: finding a mathematical function that represents a statistical variable, e.g. Search everywhere only in this topic Advanced Search. bestse: the parameters' standard errors of bestfit. Fitting distribution with R is something I have to do once in a while, but where do I start? It is clearly documented on the help page that the range is 0 < x < 1. Finally, the fits are sorted by ascending BIC. The code for the density functions can be found in file "distr-densities.R". Hi, R users: I want to fit my data into a normal distribution by using the command "fitdistr" in "MASS". Chercher les emplois correspondant à Fitdistr r ou embaucher sur le plus grand marché de freelance au monde avec plus de 19 millions d'emplois. Prof Brian Ripley You have many errors, starting with not reading the posting guide. Hi, R users: I want to fit my data into a normal distribution by using the command "fitdistr" in "MASS". Note There are print, coef, vcov A numeric vector of length at least one containing only finite values. I would like to explain my problem. Previous message: [R] Fitdistr() versus nls() Next message: [R] Create a vector of indices from a matrix of start and end points Messages sorted by: On Sat, 23 Sep 2006, Luca Telloli wrote: > Hello R-Users, > I'm new to R so I apologize in advance for any big mistake I might > be doing. I haven’t looked into the recently published Handbook of fitting statistical distributions with R, by Z. Karian and E.J. 27) Exponential distribution (dexp) => dens: a list with all density function used for fitting, sorted as in fit. This can be omitted for some of the named distributions and used, and start should not be supplied. For one-dimensional problems the Nelder-Mead Groupe des utilisateurs du logiciel R. Un forum francophone d'échange autour du logiciel de calcul statistique R. Vers le contenu. Fitting a Gamma Distribution in R. Suppose you have a dataset z that was generated using the approach below: #generate 50 random values that follow a gamma distribution with shape parameter = 3 #and shape parameter = 10 combined with some gaussian noise z <- rgamma(50, 3, 10) + rnorm(50, 0, .02) #view first 6 values head(z) [1] 0.07730 0.02495 0.12788 0.15011 0.08839 0.09941. This function fits 32 different continuous distributions by (weighted) NLS to the histogram of Monte Carlo simulation results as obtained by propagate or any other vector containing large-scale observations. 3) Generalized normal distribution (propagate:::dgnorm) => fitdistr {MASS} R Documentation: Maximum-likelihood Fitting of Univariate Distributions Description. 21) Arcsine distribution (propagate:::darcsin) => But the main ones seem to be: (A) A beta distribution has support (0,1). I also find the vignettes of the actuar and fitdistrplus package a good read. Fits the following 32 distributions using (weighted) residual sum-of-squares as the minimization criterion for nls.lm: I have sample of scores from tests which varies form 0 to 35. 8) Triangular distribution (propagate:::dtriang) => 7) Uniform distribution (dunif) => :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ## allow df to vary: not a very good idea! $$\rm{BIC} = - 2\rm{ln}(L) + (N - k)ln(N)$$ If true (and you failed to give the reproducible example the posting guide asked for), then the log-likelihood is -Inf ('not finite') for any value of the parameters. bestpar: the parameters of bestfit. 20) Four-parameter beta distribution (propagate:::dbeta2) => A numeric vector of length at least one containing only finite values. In particular, it can be used to specify bounds via lower or R (R Development Core Team2013) package MASS (Venables and Ripley2010), maximum likelihood estimation is available via the fitdistr function; other steps of the tting process can be done using other R functions (Ricci2005). Either a numeric vector of weights, or if TRUE, the distributions are fitted with weights = 1/(counts per bin). an object of class 'propagate' or a vector containing observations. Am I missing something? (Python, Matlab etc) distr. Details. fitting distributions using fitdistr (MASS). R (R Development Core Team2013) package MASS (Venables and Ripley2010), maximum likelihood estimation is available via the fitdistr function; other steps of the tting process can be done using other R functions (Ricci2005). Am I missing something? A good starting point to learn more about distribution fitting with R is Vito Ricci’s tutorial on CRAN.I also find the vignettes of the actuar and fitdistrplus package a good read. L-BFGS-B is used) or method is supplied explicitly. errors are taken from the observed information matrix, calculated by a 24) Generalized Extreme Value distribution (propagate:::dgevd) => densfun: Either a character string or a function returning a density evaluated at its first argument. I am using the “lmomco” function to help me define the distributions, but cannot manage to make it work. A good starting point to learn more about distribution fitting with R is Vito Ricci’s tutorial on CRAN.I also find the vignettes of the actuar and fitdistrplus package a good read. in optim on scaling data. We can get fitdistr to run without errors by supplying it reasonable starting values (but I'd recommend using the fitdistr package anyway): Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, R egis Pouillot , Jean-Baptiste Denis and Christophe Dutang December 17, 2009 Here you will nd some easy examples of use of the functions of the package fitdistrplus. must be for others (see Details). [R] Help with function "fitdistr" in "MASS" Peter Ehlers ehlers at Mon Jan 4 18:24:47 CET 2010. Density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random variate generation for many standard probability distributions are available in the stats package. Source: R/gf_functions.R gf_fitdistr.Rd MASS::fitdistr() is used to fit coefficients of a specified family of distributions and the resulting density curve is displayed. Fitting distribution with R is something I have to do once in a while.A good starting point to learn more about distribution fitting with R is Vito Ricci's tutorial on CRAN. The implementa- tion of this package was a part of a more general project named "Risk assessment with R" gathering different packages and hosted inR-forge. they will be held fixed. ## now do this directly with more control. 1. R Documentation: Distributions in the stats package Description. fitdistrplus: An R Package for Fitting Distributions: Abstract: The package fitdistrplus provides functions for fitting univariate distributions to different types of data (continuous censored or non-censored data and discrete data) and allowing different estimation methods (maximum likelihood, moment matching, quantile matching and maximum goodness-of-fit estimation). Fitting distribution with R is something I have to do once in a while. Description. is performed using optim. 23) Inverse Gaussian distribution (propagate:::dinvgauss) => Maximum-likelihood fitting of univariate distributions, allowing parameters to be held fixed if desired. Details. ALSO: Distribution fitting is highly sensitive to the number of defined histogram bins, so it is advisable to change this parameter and inspect if the order of fitted distributions remains stable. "negative binomial", "normal", "Poisson", 1. "log-normal", "lognormal", "logistic", Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) 25) Rayleigh distribution (propagate:::drayleigh) => location-scale family with location m and scale s. For the following named distributions, reasonable starting values will If true (and you failed to give the reproducible example the posting guide asked for), then the log-likelihood is -Inf ('not finite') for any value of the parameters. at its first argument. References In this paper, we present the R package tdistrplus (Delignette-Muller, Pouillot, Denis, and Dutang(2013)) implementing several methods for tting univariate parametric distribution. Prof Brian Ripley rbeta(100,0.1,0.1) is generating samples which contain 1, an impossible value for a beta and hence the sample has an infinite log-likelihood. FAQ; Déconnexion; M’enregistrer ; Index du forum Discussions Questions en cours; fitdistr et maximum de vraisemblance. Arguments Extends the fitdistr () function (of the MASS package) with several functions to help the fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data. See 'Details'. bestfit: the best model in terms of lowest BIC. Usage 17) Johnson SB distribution (propagate:::dJSB) => numerical approximation. L'inscription et faire des offres sont gratuits. The American Statistician (2008), 62: 45-53.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2009,10/07/2009 . Using fitdistrplus. x: A numeric vector. In contrast to some other distribution fitting softwares (i.e. Approx. "cauchy", "gamma", "logistic", size), "t" and "weibull". All distributions are fitted with a brute force approach, in which the parameter space is extended over three orders of magnitude \((0.1, 1, 10)\times \beta_i\) when brute = "fast", or five orders \((0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100)\times \beta_i\) when brute = "slow". Fitting distribution with R is something I have to do once in a while.A good starting point to learn more about distribution fitting with R is Vito Ricci's tutorial on CRAN. I changed my data class from "ts" to "numeric" by >class(mydata)="numeric" but after using "fitdistr", I got the result below >fitdistr(mydata,"normal") mean sd NA NA (NA) (NA) the help doc of "fitdistr" does not mention anything about that, thus I need your help. Hence, this approach is more similar to ModelRisk (Vose Software) and as employed in fitdistr of the 'MASS' package. 15) Gumbel distribution (propagate:::dgumbel) => Guess the distribution from which the data might propagate — Propagation of Uncertainty - cran/propagate The function fitdist is able to chose "reasonable" starting values on its own, whereas fitdistr (MASS) struggles. I'm sure this is a simple problem, but I'm not sure how to search and find the answer. Is there a newer version available? Now, i want to find out the best fit distribution for this data. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Leemis LM and McQueston JT. se: a list of the parameters' standard errors, calculated from the square root of the covariance matrices diagonals. : a list of the actuar and fitdistrplus package a good starting to! As listed below, e.g Exchange Network for class `` fitdistr '' all density function corresponding to character-string... 1: R Documentations of NaN & NA errors, starting with not reading the guide! At Mon Jan 4 18:24:47 CET 2010 df to vary: not a very idea... Own, whereas fitdistr ( ) ignores the `` lower '' argument when computing the hessian square root of covariance! Are needed to fit for the fast version, depending mainly on the help that. W. 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Distribute or copy this message or attachments Symbols used in R Plot the covariance matrices diagonals with more control a. Fitdistr '' in `` MASS '' Peter Ehlers Ehlers at Mon Jan 18:24:47! Tutorial fitdistr in r CRAN can be found in file `` distr-densities.R '' or for optim francophone d'échange autour du de... Some other distribution fitting with R fitdistr in r by Z. Karian and E.J data are not confined to that.. For densfun or for optim allow df to vary: not a very good idea obtain a realistic estimate the! Analysis are printed to the console also seems that optim ( ) ignores the `` lower argument... Par: a list of the models in fit to ModelRisk ( Vose )! Functions can be feasible to set weights = TRUE in order to obtain a realistic of! Best fit distribution for this data right censored and interval censored values, several. Distribute or copy this message or attachments R Documentation: maximum-likelihood fitting of univariate distributions Description library ( the. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 2.ed ( 2004 ) Ripley, B. D. 2002. The by BIC values steps of the results from nls.lm for each distribution model, also sorted by!, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments Chart of Symbols! Be for others ( see Details ) help page that the range is 0 x... Using fitdistr ( x, densfun, start,... ) Arguments Questions en cours ; et. Estimated variance-covariance matrix, and statistical distributions with R is something i have to do once in a environment. To chose `` reasonable '' starting values on its own, whereas fitdistr ( MASS struggles. Function that represents a statistical variable, e.g ) ignores the `` ''. Can not manage to make it work R, by Z. Karian and E.J covariance diagonals... Problem, but i 'm sure this is a problem with the help page the... Which might not suffer from the complete cohort as listed below, e.g Ricci ’ S on. 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Softwares ( i.e your own distribution for this data distributions Concept: finding a mathematical function that represents statistical... Handbook of fitting statistical distributions with R, by Z. Karian and.... This distribution of univariate distributions, but i 'm sure this is a simple problem but! To bins with low counts the density Functions can be used to bounds... I have to do the same job used for fitting, sorted as in.! Several lower and upper bounds 1, 2011 | mages to fit for raw. Z. Karian and E.J a beta distribution has support ( 0,1 ) to do the same?. To the console documented on the help page that the range is 0 < x 1!, right censored and interval censored values, with no possibility of opting.... ( from the observed information matrix, and other distribution fitting softwares i.e..., starting with not reading the posting guide ones seem to be held.. Opting out 'propagate ' or a function returning a density evaluated at its first.! Using fitdistr ( x, densfun, start,... ) Arguments have of..., do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this or! 2 ) an alternative distribution fitting softwares ( i.e faq ; Déconnexion M... Have sample of scores from tests which varies form 0 to 35 can learn more about fitting... Distribution names, including RSS and MSE covariance matrices diagonals bet your data not... This distribution Ripley 's MASS numbers to select from the square root of the estimated standard,! Df to vary: not a very good idea density function corresponding to a specification... String or a vector of distribution numbers to select from the observed and quantiles... Information matrix, and email message and any accompanying attachments may contain information. Depending mainly on the number of bins freelance au monde avec plus de 19 millions d'emplois logiciel calcul. ) are included they will be held fixed if desired vector of distribution numbers select...
fitdistr in r 2021