She was a nightmare to grow up with and is STILL causing pain to me and our family any chance she gets. If so I’d love to know. Mine was never treated as a teenager… which led to the type 2. This scenario typically ends one of two ways: my dad leaves work to “handle the situation,” or my charm is effective enough to calm her. I shouldered an enormous amount of guilt. My mother’s manic states didn’t seem manic enough to warrant an emergency visit to a psychiatrist. Sometimes it surfaces when I forget to stay calm and understanding. Best of luck to you and your siblings. She has also been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. It’s bad that it took my dad passing away and her becoming violent to the point that she tried to hit my 16 (at the time) year old daughter. The bad part is, my story is just like yours with a twist. Christy Zelaya is 38 years old and lives in beautiful Bradenton, Florida. I am 38 years old and I have two younger sisters aged 36 and 34. You grow one when you have children. Bipolar is commonly undiagnosed or diagnosed as another condition for an average of 8 years, patients do not seek help for up to ten years after the first appearance of symptoms, and over 60% of patients are untreated, undertreated or inappropriately treated at any given time. She was in and out of the hospital half a dozen times throughout my childhood. I can’t think of one friend that I have ever had growing up that she did not find fault with. She singlehandedly destroyed. We are still held responsible for her happiness and that makes it hard to be around her but we are all she has. I have in turn spent the last 2 years enjoying the life of being a mother without her causing issues. He was afraid of my mother, afraid of our family breaking up, and he talked to his 9 year old daughter about the problems in his marriage. Afterwards, I had to explain to her. Untreated bipolar disorder can lead to social, emotional and financial problems as well as substance abuse and suicide. The hate that came with my mother’s words when she was raging was excruciating. You certainly deserve to be able to enjoy your beautiful grandchildren. This was my Life in so many ways, but after age 11 my father died and I was alone. As a result of my troubled youth I have battled food addiction for as long as I can remember. I can’t expect hers to happen overnight. I’ll have to try harder. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At 18, I moved in with my then-boyfriend and swore never to look back. My mother is a complete hellion. However, bipolar disorder – characterized by severe mood swings from depression to elation and mania – is often successfully treated with therapy and medications. I thought I was the only one who grew up this way. What I didn’t know then was that my mother had bipolar disorder and struggled with abuse and trauma of her own. If my Mom stayed home she would be angry the whole night. I have a college degree, maintain a full time job as a staff accountant, I am married with 4 kids, and I am a blogger. My Mom made me clean the toilet by putting my hands in it to scrub it. Oh well. I’ve been closer to my children and a better mom, the mom I have always wanted to be! My hero literally kicked me when I was 15 because I wouldn’t give him information about what my Mom had said about leaving him. I am not weak anymore. Because of his untreated illness, I do not trust the world around me or … We would all pay for her missing her game. Most of my life, it was just three older brothers and me. I remember watching cartyons and anxious about what would happen when she woke up. While we all thought our Dad was our savior, now we know he was just a coward. It wasn’t always sadness and tears. We believe my mother had undiagnosed/untreated bipolar issues, as discussed by a few of her children after her death. I am still figuring it all out and making sure my child has a better life. Thank you for sharing your story Christy! I think that was the hardest thing for me to do and hurt me so bad. I did. Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health problem that often goes undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and untreated. I told her the best thing for her to do (my mother) was to get out and not come back. “My own feelings were closely linked to how my mother was feeling that particular day. There are so many joys of new parenthood — but thinning hair and hair loss aren't on that list. It’s going to be hard to do. Having a family member with bipolar disorder can be a challenge and takes patience and compassion. I stare without expression as she unceremoniously explains the perfectly valid reason that she cut last week’s best friend from her life. They also have two dogs who are their babies too! Find a good therapist or support group that will take care of your needs. Reading your story made me realize that I need to distance myself from her in order to have a chance to live peacefully. The strangest thing about a person with Bipolar disorder is that while they can be a nightmare, they can also be the most loving and giving person in the world. Please don’t misunderstand the intention of publishing this story. Playing games with them. Depending on how you deal with your diagnosis, it may not be a deterrent to gaining custody. My children were still my world. Thank You again and again !!! View bettysbattleground’s profile on Facebook, View elizabethbricowritse’s profile on Instagram, View elizabethbrico’s profile on Pinterest, View bettybrico’s profile on,, Please Don’t Use Your PTSD As An Excuse Not to Wear a Mask, An Open Letter To The People In Charge Of My Family, The Civil Death Penalty Makes Hungry Ghosts of Mothers and Children, Reimagining Communities With The National Council, If You Care About Sexual Assault Survivors, You Should Care About My CPS Case. I felt like he was on my side, he took care of us, and made our house into a home. I even imagine life if she died. We put together a list of healthier kids’…. l want you to know that you are not weak. Reading to them. We were brought up to make her happy and it is hard to break the habit. She gave me that death glare and her eyes were like a raccoon’s. However, they finally realized who was actually the one that done those things. I did chase one of my daughters up the stairs because she told me to leave her alone (and in my right state of mind) when I told her to stop doing something. My mom has never been formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At the time, I didn’t understand that her periods of spontaneity, productivity, and gut-busting laughter were actually part of the illness, too. My sisters and I still struggle with our Mom. I even thought I hated her for making me grow up too soon. Bipolar disorder is a long term mood disorder that may affect how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. To put this in perspective for you, something my sisters and I all have in common is that we never understood what was wrong with the Mommy in the movie “Mommy Dearest,” starring Joan Crawford. I can’t imagine what that’s like. I have struggled with my weight all my life. This was very eye-opening. Bipolar disorder may be confused with many other mental and behavioral disorders. I need another surgery because I could have another stroke that could kill me anytime. Thank You for sharing your story, it made me realize that I am not alone …my mother is also a very aggressive bipolar and it is hell to live with her. You can follow her journey at The sporadiac trips of shopping and impulse buying that lead us to think it was really for us. Participants 332 137 women with a last menstrual period anytime after 1 July 2005 and giving birth anytime before the end of 31 December 2009. Thank you for sharing. Kari-Anne was 10 when her mother was diagnosed with bipolar. Recognize that bipolar … Grandiosity is a key sign of a manic episode. “The biggest misconception with bipolar disorder is that people with this disorder aren’t functional in society. The constant unknown if it was going to be a good or bad day. It would also mean the world to me if you could take a couple seconds out of your day to share this on a social platform or two. My mom during the holidays was exactly how u described ur mom she did it up loved celeberating it but anything we did not to her liking ruined her day and in return she would degrade me and my siblings for that day and many days to come. We are always trying to get that soothing feeling that food provides. It certainly isn’t easy to be as vulnerable as you were, and I admire your willingness to speak about your experiences. I believe her “self-therapy” is shopping. Therefore my sisters and I have always been a bit terrified when it comes to holidays and my Mom. I stole their money and spent it all on me. Our conversations are limited to polite Facebook comments or a polite text exchange about the holidays. She went to several therapists, but they never lasted long. Bessel van der Kolk is a renowned PTSD researcher who has done a lot of studies on the effectiveness of yoga in trauma recovery; this is something that has also helped me–but given your physical health issues, I would definitely recommend seeing a physician first. For my family, there was never a clear picture. To be there when she felt alone, confused, scared, and out of control. I in no way wish to demonize people with Bipolar Disoder. If she doesn’t get her disorder treated, it may harm her family. My youngest sister was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder as well but it was later discovered that what looked like Bipolar disorder is actually, The strangest thing about a person with Bipolar disorder is that while they can be a nightmare, they can also be the most loving and giving person in the world. Those feelings don’t easily fade, even with time. The cleaning. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I didn’t want anything to do with them to begin with. We cannot silence true stories because they don’t fit the narrative we want to tell. We all grew up in a home with an untreated Bipolar mother. As far as any of us were concerned, my mother hated day to day life with us. I have struggled with my weight all my life. The words circle through my head, but I smile, nod, and maintain eye contact. She never got help. She was usually unhappy with whatever we did for her. It really hit deep as I too experienced this similar childhood with an untreated bipolar single mother. That will relieve her of the straining ups and downs. “You’d just be happier if I wasn’t here,” she says. I’m so sorry, Amy. It’s a weight neither of us were equipped to bear. I have struggled with my weight all my life. Instead he was just as big of a victim as the rest of us. They have been living as a blended family for almost seven years. We have no idea what it is like to have a Mom that takes care of us instead of the other way around. We all see therapists or doctors to help us manage life as adults. Our family she puts us against each other shows favoritism to one. I appreciate your candor in sharing your story. My middle sister is on disability and life is a struggle for her emotionally and physically. Keep working hard everyday to heal and better yourself. She was so happy to give us gifts and make our holidays special. Her face shifts. You’re brave to share your story. My youngest sister was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder as well but it was later discovered that what looked like Bipolar disorder is actually PTSD, which she most likely developed as a result of living with an untreated Bipolar Mom. Also learn how lifestyle changes, like drinking more water, can…. And she would hate me for a week or 2 and then miracoulously one day everything was perfect and “let’s go shopping!” It takes such a toll on your mental well being. Her mouth, like mine, which naturally turns down at the corners, seems to droop even further. I am a mental health advocate. If she starts throwing a fit, tell her it’s her issue that caused it. I took her back downstairs with me and made her sit on the bed while she cried. None of us graduated high school and only two of us have our GEDs. I also grew up with a mother who had untreated bipolar. Our father is 1 and our mother is 2. My healing journey took many years. My teenagers still remember the way that I was, but hope that my youngest will not! She has 4 children (youngest is 41) and none of us include her in anything we do. We are all dealing in our own ways. Tears begin to drop as she lists all the reasons she’s failed as a mother. Dr. Post: ... "I have a stepdaughter who has bipolar, as does her biological mother… Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. My life has been better and I feel better. Aloha. mental disorder marked by alternating periods of elation and depression. This article explains how much potassium you need per…. We are coming to a head recently with my mother and her condition. Mine is the latter, and my daughters know it. Your Child's Best Interests. The house was ours and she was NOT going to hit anyone under any circumstances. They wanted me to go back and I would NOT go there. No siblings or cousins or anything. It was our job to make her happy; I am a people pleaser to this day. Hello great article it is a good thing for me to read about someone growing up. When you love someone with bipolar disorder, life can be very unpredictable. I have to take name brand medicine or I end up yelling again. One therapist told me it’s because I was the only other female in the house — women need to stick together and all that. When I eat, the dopamine released by my brain is soothing, but I overeat to get more and more of that dopamine. We coped in varying ways. As you might imagine, our childhood home could be quite hostile. Thank you for making me and my sisters not feel so alone. I have decided to have the ECT Treatments for my Bipolar. My Mom liked to go out and play Bingo at night, and we also liked her to go. I did find out that the type 2 is offset from not being treated by depression when it starts. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. As an adult I somewhat understand this better now. It has been explained to me that a food addiction is much like a drug addiction. Ginger. I was actually taking the right meds. She’s still packing: a collectable glass figurine, a dirty pair of sloppily hand-cut jean shorts saved for gardening. NO matter what or who it is. Just keep sodium content in mind. We all grew up in a home with an untreated Bipolar mother. I am so thankful i found your post. I want people to understand that mental illness or injury doesn’t make people evil or abusive. Ivy McQuain had two sons she loved more than anything. We have since reconnected. Those of us with mental health conditions need outside support, but we also need inner drive. I had answers, but they felt too late to matter. Journal of … That is the ONE thing that I didn’t agree with. As crazy as this may sound, the physical abuse didn’t hurt as bad as the verbal abuse. “Bipolar is manageable, but it takes work. We deserved better. I am LITERALLY the only family she has. But the lows and the rage were a complete and utter nightmare. Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you and your sisters well. Untreated bipolar disorder will display symptoms and behaviors that worsen, becoming more pronounced over time. We had very similar experiences with our Mothers and really we (& our siblings) were robbed of having ordinary childhoods. She was so happy to give us gifts and make our holidays special. It has become so bad that now other family members are noticing what me and my sisters have lived with all this time. I hate her disease. They are hoping for a kidney transplant soon. Untreated psychiatric illness in the mother cannot be considered a benign event, and a number of studies have indicated that untreated psychiatric illness during pregnancy may negatively affect pregnancy outcomes. There are a few distinctions between bipolar and related disorders recognized by mental health professionals. During this quarantine, my best friend drove me down to drop of groceries and a care package for her and my dad and she wouldn’t leave her room, then she sent a nasty email saying “John (my dad) doesn’t like your friend and neither do I.” She just a terrible person and I struggle with the fact that she birthed me. In my case, it was my mother who struggled with this illness. Several years and one therapist later, I learned the probability of my mother’s bipolar disorder. I think it’s just as traumatic to be ripped from a loving home as it is to be forced to stay in a chaotic one; child services is supposed to protect against these situations, but too often it misses the abuse, and targets families who should be together. But then a familiar feeling creeps in from my subconscious like a cold, wet fog: guilt. Thank you for sharing your story here Christy. Anyway, she lives in New York so I don’t have to really bother with her, but I learned today that she’s coming to Seattle, AND she’s asked to see my kids. A study by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine revealed that young people who have parents with bipolar disorder have a 14-fold risk of developing early-onset bipolar disorder, and a two to three-fold risk anxiety disorders or mood disorders. My children were suffering. His Bipolar Disorder had taken away from my childhood and caused my mother and me irreparable damage. Researchers are also discovering that bipolar disorder doesn’t “disappear” with advanced age. Weekend mornings were scary times too. I am one too. Find out how to stop smoking naturally with Eastern approaches, such as acupuncture. That is the first step at helping your partner.” Jump to this post . There were many times that she would ground us all from one or another of our friends because she would decide she didn’t like them. She has some good memories, like when her mom would spontaneously dance around the house, but also recalls frightening situations that left her feeling depressed and isolated; feelings … Despite all the unanswered questions, research knows a few things about bipolar disorder. i wish i could speak with you privatley about this. You can tweet her at @CeciliaMeis. I became numb to what she presents. She has no one. Jose was diagnosed with kidney failure in February of 2014 and is now on dialysis. When I eat, the dopamine released by my brain is soothing, but I overeat to get more and more of that dopamine. I appreciate your candor in discussing your traumatic childhood with a mother who did not seek treatment for her Bipolar Disorder. So I guess I’m gonna get to have another epic Tia A—- adventure! She was just so unhappy with everything, she would make sure that everyone around her was unhappy too. We stopped speaking a couple years ago when she started calling me a bitch, excusing herself because of her own disorder, and then gaslighting my PTSD. However, all of these people also pursued treatment. “You still need to take care of yourself. I cannot imagine how difficult your childhood must have been. I lived a similar childhood. Poor judgment comes into play when the bipolar person is deep in the realm of a manic episode. If left untreated, will the depression get severe enough that it reaches a suicidal point? They may begin to display episodes of very poor judgment. I had a business. Find out about the risks, impact and effects of undertreated or untreated bipolar disorder. It allows me to be more patient when she calls during a depressive state. Outside of writing, she enjoys sand volleyball and trying new restaurants. We've rounded up a few of the best nipple creams on the market to help soothe and heal the skin around your nipples during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Our father, we never knew because my mother took us and ran…only to be treated the same as I had done. How said her going to bingo was peaceful for everyone is exactly how my mom is when she goes out me and my siblings are great all of us hanging out spending time with each other watching TV together in the living room but as soon as we heard her pull up we’d all run to our rooms her ever was the unlucky one and didn’t get up fast enough was the one who got degraded and yelled at for simply being in the living room. If I do, it returns. I cannot take generics because of some unknown reason. I am one of three sisters who also grew up with an untreated bipolar mother. If I hadn’t have jumped in between them, she would have. Bipolar, by definition, is. mom had no other children. If you’d like to leave a respectful comment for Christy and her family, please do so below. Growing up around untreated or undisclosed bipolar disorder could affect your ability to make decisions easily Lack of trust is a common theme with individuals who were raised by a parent with untreated or unmanaged bipolar disorder, and this extends to not trusting yourself. I can honestly say my life started 10 years ago. To the outside world, I was an outstanding mother,” she writes in a moving essay for The Mighty. All rights reserved. If she starts talking about something that you don’t think is appropriate for your children, take them and leave. An untreated bipolar parent, invariably through a lack in regulating their emotions, significantly affects their children’s wellbeing, as can be witnessed by Paul’s experience. In studies of pregnant women with unipolar depression, it has been shown that untreated psychiatric illness in the mother may have a negative impact on pregnancy outcomes, influencing the length of gestation and birthweight. 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