There is a lot of that shaming that goes on. Getting up early to write was the only way I finished Everything is Figureoutable and still managed to run the business. (I’ll be buying the book. I litterlay had a conversation with hubby about it yesterday, concluding that 5 hrs of work a day should be just right. I do agree about the benefits waking up. Thank you again. Take what serves you and leave what doesn’t. This is now my all time favourite MF interview. It will be a big relief when we all come through this together and businesses can safely reopen, and we love that you’re already exploring how you can still make time for your new love of photography. The ones that stood out for me are: How many people did you serve; working really hard and relaxing GUILT-FREE and waking up at 5 a.m. So much of what Robin said resonated with me. My biggest takeaway was to “create a tight bubble of total focus”. I’ve been a member of the 5am club without knowing it. It’s not a habitual thing, it’s a DNA thing. Thank you Robin and Marie for reminding me how great the 5am wake up can really be and setting me back on course. Marie – you’re a brilliant interviewer. It took me until about this week to stop fighting it. I actually share a phone with my wife, (which some people think is a bit weird!) And then the first email I saw this morning: the one from Marie. How timely and almost eerie this is. and many celebrity CEOs. Asking for a friend… just kidding, it’s me, I like to celebrate big and little life events, or go out on the town with my friends on the weekend. So true and absolutely wonderfull every single word of Robin, can’t wait to get the book and starting ASAP to join the 5 a.m. club. I am going to TRY the 5AM club. <3 We have more power than we realise. You’ve got this! Love both of your work and latest books! SO inspiring! Hi Stephanie, A must see for everyone in the world. Guys, most of us have been in quarantine for twice that amount of time. Really loved watching this interview. I’m working on a solution to this and have hope that there’s something out there for me that works with my nature and not against it. Since the lockdown in UK I’ve been getting up at 5am to go for a walk in the peace and quiet and before anyone else is around, therefore fulfilling the social distancing rules, but also enjoying a long walk. I just cried when hearing Robin talk about a toxic Heart Set being in the way of the traction around your ambitions! You’ve got this, Sheala, and we’re rooting for you big time! I know many others who have the same pattern. Good point. If you don’t want to go to bed earlier, what are some ways you can adjust your schedule to 1/ get adequate sleep 2/ make sure your morning routine is full of nourishing activities vs. draining activities like checking email or scrolling on social media? It is not the reality for most women in the world who are overwhelmed with taking care of others and never even being recognized. I want to go to bed and the first thing I say to myself is YES! I do understand the benefit of 5:00 am. I’m not sure myself, though it may help to @ him on social media. With sincere gratitude, Thank you so much Marie and Robin, but I was wondering…is there coffee or tea involved first thing when arising and is there a nap later on in the day? Thank you for the extra motivation . This is the most balanced and amazing self improvement advice and book ever! This may not be the right place or time for this comment and, feeling uncertain, I was about to delete it all…but just writing it has helped, so thank you very much 🙂. Happy Birthday! using And I know the takeaway is really just about making the time for yourself when you won’t get interrupted and being deliberate about what you do with that time. I felt compelled to e mail him Guess what? I actually just made it a goal to wake up early, which has been a struggle for me all my life (this is actually my first goal in testing out the follow-through formula). On the heels of just finishing B school! Love this episode thank you. I have a lot I want to do and feel time flying by. A suggestion for him as he works with the billionaires and those who run large businesses and corporations…teach this to your employees…the mind work, the heart work…the soul work, and give them the support so that they too can learn to live this way. I am making the 66 day commitment here and now.! And I’m loving all the time to write, record, and just sing. I loved every single second of it. Mindset being masculine. Incredible! Thank you so much for watching. But I HAD to shout out Robin Sharma and the 5am Club!!! You probably won’t allow this to get posted. I have experimented with morning routines in the past – and the truth is, this pandemic and all its disruption to our normal home life (work, school, kids, etc…) resulted in me totally falling out of my usual practices for a while. ?? Oh my,just what I needed today. I enjoyed this interview! Thanks for letting me know that I am not and for the reminder to keep at it! Keep showing up, keep creating, and know that we’re cheering you on! Wow. All that I need to do is to tweak it some, to get the most out of my day and this segment allowed me to baby step my way unto my better days ahead. The crazy thing is, last night I fell asleep to Robin’s audiobook, as I had decided I MUST get back to my early morning practice. Take back your creativity-you know you want to 😉 You’ve GOT this. I am going to be one of those few that doesn’t give up despite the odds. Wow. ??☺️. As Robin says, “The way you feel when you first wake up is not the way you’re going to feel at 5:20.”. YES to retrieving our focus and creativity back from our phones. That said, you can obviously apply his three-step morning ritual to your preferred wakeup time. I have nothing to lose, only my life and success to gain. As its also unhealthy to lack sleep, I wonder how to catch up in cases as above.. xo. This rhythm is perfect for her and for her body and that’s beautiful to see that she’s happy with this ! Heather – I love you are turning 50 and want to make the best of the next 50. Over the years I have read many books, Chareles Dickens evolved into Paulo Coelho ,then jumped to Robin Sharma and then to Stephen King. ? Off to bed now with the promise of a great morning. Awesome, Mara. My most productive time is 9pm to 1am, and I’ve finally got to a point in my life when I can work when suits me best. There are distractions everywhere, all the time. BUT this is awesome because I’m the type of person that just needs that direction ~ 20|20|20. Wow, there were some amazing touching moments in this interview… I felt so empowered hearing Robin say that it’s all up to us, to be intentional, deliberate, concious, if we want to change or achieve anything. Thank you so much for this epic episode. Its just awesome! I find my mind is the sharpest at this hour! Thank you for doing what you do. I listened to this interview yesterday on my walk and I started the 66 day challenge of doing the 20-20-20 formula this morning. She’s an illustrator, and she wakes up at 10:30 or 11:00 am and she works until she gets to sleep at 2 or 3 am. Don’t knock it until you try it. The idea of how to describe ‘Soulset’ was huge as this is exactly what I am incorporating into my clinic work as a naturopath and life coach – thank you for the beautiful eloquent way to describe the four ‘sets’ – I cannot wait to receive me book order! So many great ideas in this episode, but the one that struck me the most was that transformation isn’t just about having a strong mindset, but also healthset, heartset, and soulset. It’s amazing what transformations can come from showing up and doing those things to tend to ourselves. A Business’s To-Do List for Quarantine, Part I. But as I think about adding things back in, the idea of taking the time early in the morning to get my day set is very thought provoking. My take on it was to get up, do some yoga, have a gratitude routine, and watch the sun rise. Thanks for this beautiful reminder and episode. POSITIVE coronavirus cases have fallen by 28% in England, new Test and Trace data has shown. That’s my concern also Kasia. Thank you also for the discussion on relevance at all ages, and owning your own masterpiece regardless of what the world thinks. I am turning 50 in a few days and I want to make the best of the next 50, or however long I have. They just keep spilling out again every day and sadly I’ve lost or forgotten so many of them. Amazing, Taryn! All I could say after was, “I’ll be damned.“ The parallels between Robin’s brilliant lessons and quotes and my own journey thus far are so aligned – but what has become painfully clear to me in this moment is that my life is like a million random dots that I keep trying to sweep up and put back in some order, but I can’t. Thanks for the refresher. Like Marie said, I just want to shout at the whisper “speak op for Gods sake and tell it to me straight!”, which of course does not work, which is okay, as I trust the process. I watched it completely that I rarely did from many others videos. Starting tomorrow I’ll be starting my 66 days. As Marie says (albeit in a slightly different context), “Clarity comes from engagement”. Emily, this is so inspiring! Does this throw off the entire routine or is it easy to get back to? Through the past years, and even more intensely now since the Corona quarantine started, I have realized how important the calling I keep hearing inside of me, really is to me.. Thank you for this blessing today!! Self-care is so important. My biggest question is what time to people go to sleep that do this? Much more peaceful and productive! 2. Robin is a great motivational speaker. I usually opt for a nice healthy breakfast with iron rich food. I’m feeling the need for a coffee fast. For SURE.) I’ve been on my own personal growth mission for seven years now, and it started unintentionally and quite defiantly without my permission – yet who I’ve become in the aftermath of that posttraumatic growth put me in crystal clear touch with who I truly am and that which is my true purpose. I may just psyche myself up to give it a try again. I love the fact that Marie and Robin talked about working for 5 hrs. Just ordered the book. Thank you from the bottom of my whole heart for bringing so much value to this planet! A combination of Marie and Robin is a feeling of both sun RISES! I am so happy to hear somebody else talking about neuroplasticity. As I am also a preacher of proper rest. It’s about a 3-step morning ritual that Robin created after working with leaders and high performers from around the world to create astonishing results. We’re really glad this was inspiring and motivating for you! Thank you for sharing this interview. You may want to check out this interview that Marie did with Arianna Huffington on the importance of sleep, and find a rhythm that supports your body. ? I want to be the hero in my life. I choose the 5am 20/20/20 formula then choose the pause then finally I choose the ego. Many folks are night owls or work night jobs, and 5 am is just not a logical waking time. I am a member of the 5am club but found I have been straying since quarantine began. With over 15,000,000 books sold, clients such as Starbucks, Nike, GE, The Coca-Cola Company, NASA and Microsoft are using his leadership methods to drive real growth + top performance. Thanks Marie and Robin. Consolidating and reorganizing the steps in my day are some action points I can implement right away. And so beautiful final questions! 1. You can experiment with changing up the routine and doing gentle movement first. I am joining the 6am club for certain. Julie P. I LOVED this video!! And I LOVED the comment that the real genius is your capacity for NEUROPLASTICITY, creating new brain cells and brain cell connections. We love those little winks from the Universe! As a presenter, Sharma has the rare ability to electrify an audience yet deliver uncommonly original and useful insights that lead to individuals doing their best work, teams providing superb results and organizations becoming unbeatable. My parents have always encouraged book reading as a hobby , as a family we frequented 'Book Fairs' and ' Pustakalayas'. Woohoo! I journal and read my bible every morning and I love that time with God and prepping my mind to keep working towards my goals. My goal is not to stop until I am off all medications. The 20/20/20 formula is similar to what I’ve been doing, however I’ve been doing it 10/10/10 because I wouldn’t have enough time in the morning on the days I was scheduled to work or because I would sleep longer. Robin and Marie! I’m SO excited! I will read the book and find a way to create momentum. The rest of the 20% can be reserved for parties, celebration, or even an occasional Netflix binge! I have been working on my morning routine for a while now, I liked Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and this is pretty similar. Brilliant interview, so much that makes sense and I ll be looking his book up! I know that I tend to use learning as a way to avoid action. Any tricks to get around that? Robin S. Sharma. I had the same question about when is bedtime. After all, it’s not like we’re competing with McDonald’s in our living, you know, for how many billions of burgers served. Such valuable info shared. I am taking the 66 day challenge and committing to the 20-20-20 formula and myself. Thank you so much Marie and Robin! Fantastic question. In all due respect to others, this lock down period has been immensely transformational and positive for me. Love this interview so much, Marie! They don’t always want to do their best work but if you don’t, why do it in the first place. I’m currently taking Bschool to help me transition from owning two health clubs into becoming a Food/Wellness coach with a non-location specific business model, writing books, delivering online courses and group coaching. As with many of your interviews, Marie, I found this so inspiring and really appreciated so much of what Robin had to offer. Challenge Find Solution. ??‍♀️? Not when it’s time for change! Amen to that. Thanks for any insight from those of you on your journey! (I’ve been there also… screw those people!). The movement part is what I’ve been lacking. That’s okay! Our mental, physical, and emotional health is NUMBER 1. but here is the thing-if you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will. We need to be calling out that privilege instead of glorifying it and hopelessly aspiring to emulate it. Thousands of incredible souls come here each week for insight and inspiration and your words may help someone else have a meaningful breakthrough. Julia, reminded of how magical that predawn time is……..feel inspired to cultivate more of a connection with myself, my body and my deep wise self during this potent time. Forlogis, Phone: 1-416-962-7900 for a real human being. “The monk who sold his Ferrari” was a game-changer for me, and I’m sure this book will be as well. I have been listening to my body when it’s tired and I have been feeling so much better just waking a couple of hours earlier than normal. I have been in sales for 21 years, and this has always been demanded of me due to the corporate culture I had been in. I slept in, I wasn’t exercising and I let my kids decide what my day was going to look like. Robin’s advice to take breaks without guilt brought tears to my eyes, because I always feel like a slacker if I stop running at full speed. Jacqui x, Jacqui, you are most definitely not alone in feeling that way. Kind regards A must see for every Marie Forleo fan. over 15,000,000 books sold, Become the architect of your future.' There I have a question: I am working as a freelance holistic vocal teacher, choir lead, give workshops and am now working on online programs as a result of the pandemic. I love seeing ancient wisdom shared and applied by contemporary leaders – more will have access to this power. This man is amazing!!! Sorry for responding like such a weirdo. Ready to start your day with more clarity and focus? For the first time this whole time of isolation, I don’t feel lonely or deprived. That was a big lightbulb moment for me too, Lilian! So glad this resonated with you, Ellie, and have fun diving to the book. Want Robin to help you multiply your performance x25? Its recess time after every class! You don't get to do both.” — @RobinSharma, The 4-minute method to massive productivity, how to do less and get more done with Kate Northrup. 🙂. stars, royalty, billionaires Do you adjust your wake up time to be awake for the sunrise? I have been following the 5 am club and also using his mediations, love them but they don’t seem to be available as I got them from his 5am club but I see I couldn’t locate it lately to send the info to more people. Thank you for sharing how you’ve been making the most of both this unusual time and the 5am hour. You are AMAZING. We’re sorry to hear about the impact that the global pandemic has had on your business — we admire your concern for your customer’s safety, and we do love to hear that you’re pursuing other passions like photographer while you have this time. I was very prompt by 8-14 h work day, with intense 60 minutes and 10 min recovery. Only those, who has nothing achieved and are jealous…they come,land on other’s profile and storm in the drama. Absolutely inspiring, Marie and Robin ❤️ Elevate Your Life. I love the focus on being a servant leader, which is needed more than ever now. “A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.” –> Made me remember to feel grateful for days that are frustrating or hurtful. By the end of the day, I am completely wiped out, irritated, and mentally exhausted and yet I barely got anything done. I am RE-commuting to it and will work to do it for 66 days. Thank you SO much for doing this! Can’t wait to read it and start applying the 20/20/20 method! Thank you! 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