[26] Obi-Wan Kenobi y Anakin Skywalker fueron convocados para rescatar al Canciller, y la batalla resultante terminó no solamente con el rescate de Palpatine si no también con la muerte del Conde Dooku.[25]. Tiempo después, Obi-Wan Kenobi y Anakin Skywalker llegaron al planeta con sus tropas, sólo para descubrir que los colonos togrutas del lugar habían sido secuestrados por los separatistas. Ti y el Consejo Jedi expresan su preocupación por la salud de Yoda. El Consejo Jedi, al tener noticias de ello, convirtió su captura en su máxima prioridad para terminar la guerra. Tup soon died muttering that he was "free of the nightmares." Upon arriving to the planet, Kenobi learned that the deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had, years earlier, secretly ordered a clone army from the Kaminoans with the help of a man named Tyranus. Tras recibir una señal de socorro de la nave del difunto Maestro Jedi Sifo-Dyas, el Consejo Jedi envió a Plo Koon a investigar. [25] Shaak Ti y el Caballero Jedi Roron Corobb, junto a una fuerza de soldados clon, fueron enviados a proteger al Canciller. Entonces, Windu afirmó que Cincos debía ser capturado con vida para descubrir si había algún complot implicando a los clones. Ti asiste a una reunión del Consejo Jedi observada por Yoda desde Kashyyyk. The two of them both being Togurtas also most likely contributed to Ti's reduced screen time and prominence in the 2008 version of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Con eso dicho, Ti permitió al Escuadrón Dominó volver a someterse a prueba. Se stated her opinion that Fives' actions kept them from learning more about the tumor, which irked the clone. La subsecuente misión condujo a la destrucción del cristal kyber a manos de los Jedi. Shaak Ti es empalada por el sable de luz de Darth Vader en una visión de Yoda. Shaak Ti informs Chancellor Palpatine of the death of clone trooper CT-5385. She later saw Se quietly leaving the command center and followed her with a squad of clone troopers. Corobb and the clones fell to Grievous, but Ti managed to fight further. Fives began to aim his weapon at the Chancellor, but Ti used the Force to stop him. After confirming the ship as Sifo-Dyas', the Council chose to investigate the matter deeper. La grabación de Ti, momentos antes de su muerte. Shaak Ti is impaled by Vader's lightsaber in Yoda's vision. Skywalker, a cuya Legión 501 pertenecía Cincos, expresó su incredulidad al oír que Cincos había intentado asesinar a Palpatine. As the war began to draw to a close, Ti and the Council became increasingly aware of the mystery behind the Dark Lord of the Sith, devoting much time to discovering their identity and motives. Ventress demostró estar en lo correcto en su creencia de que Vos seguía bajo la influencia del lado oscuro, pero se sacrificó a sí misma muriendo a manos de Dooku para redimir a Vos. En el 22 ABY, la República Galáctica se encontraba en un estado de agitación, puesto que un movimiento secesionista, liderado por un antiguo Jedi, el Conde Dooku, amenazaba a la estabilidad de la República Galáctica. She openly opposed the Kaminoan's preferred methods of handling clones, such as hyper tests and termination, as well their mistreatment of the soldiers. [10], Fives and AZI-3 show Ti the inhibitor chip, which they claim is the center to a large conspiracy, Fives told her how he, assisted by AZI-3, discovered that the tumor had been bio-engineered and suspected a larger plot to be the cause of Tup's actions. The Council learned that he had, according to his own recollection, not fallen to the dark side and was merely imprisoned by Dooku. Despite remaining in a state of meditation for the duration of an entire day, their efforts proved fruitless as not one of the Jedi present heard the voice. Ti attended the faux funeral of Kenobi, standing alongside Windu and Satine Kryze of Mandalore. (We love it!) [9], Cuando se supo que el Conde Dooku y el criminal Moralo Eval planeaban secuestrar al Canciller Supremo Sheev Palpatine durante el Festival de la Luz de Naboo, Ti y el resto del Consejo Jedi planearon que Obi-Wan Kenobi actuase de incógnito haciéndose pasar por el cazarrecompensas Rako Hardeen para frustrar el plan de Dooku y Eval. Mientras meditaba durante un ataque contra el Templo Jedi, fue asesinada por Darth Vader, el Jedi caído Anakin Skywalker. [Source]. Despite her feelings for the clones, however, she could be tough on her students in order to bring the best out of them. [37], As a Force-sensitive, Ti was skilled in using telekinesis during battle. During the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ti took part in the pivotal battles of Geonosis, Kamino, and Coruscant. There, she struggled to balance the necessity of producing capable troopers with compassion for the clones as living beings. As they accompanied the sedated Tup to an examination room, Ti informed Rex that he was needed back on the battlefront and sent Fives for an examination, as he was close with Tup and any information gathered would be beneficial to the investigation. Shaak Ti was a prominent member of the Jedi Council throughout the Clone wars. Shaak Ti Cw31 Star Wars The Clone Wars Hasbro 2010 Jedi $ 1,490. en. In another scene towards the end of the film, Shaak Ti is seen meditating in the Jedi Temple when Anakin (now Darth Vader) walks in and stabs her in the back, after she asks, "What is it, Skywalker?" Star Wars Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en Películas. 2 Shaak Ti: Clone Wars Micro Series Shaak Ti doesn't have as impressive a journey as Ahsoka Tano, but she does feature in one of the greatest moments in Star Wars history. Sidious killed Windu's team in quick succession, with Windu falling shortly thereafter courtesy of Skywalker's betrayal. [25] Ti grabó un mensaje en un holocrón urgiendo a cualquiera que lo escuchara a continuar con el legado de la Fuerza y no dejar que la Gran Purga Jedi fuese el fin de los Jedi. Back in the control center, Ti correctly surmised that Fives and AZI-3 weren't planning to escape, but rather that they were researching something, she just didn't know what. [37] In 4 ABY,[2] Luke, by then a Jedi Knight, helped redeem Vader and end Sidious' rule over the galaxy. Sometime between 0 ABY and 1 ABY,[36] Vader's son Luke Skywalker was kidnapped by Grakkus after a series of skirmishes in the streets of Nar Shadaa, during which he brandished his father's former lightsaber and revealed his intention of sneaking into the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They had learned the startling realization that Dooku and Tyranus, the man who helped Sifo-Dyas order the clone army, were one and the same. Mace Windu sugirió la idea de que el atacante podía ser un Jedi renegado, y se asignó la investigación del asunto al Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker y su Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Shaak Ti was a Togruta Jedi Master during the Clone Wars.. Background. 19 BBY, Coruscant[2] Cuando Cincos reveló que se había extraído su propio chip, Se afirmó que Cincos era una amenaza y debía ser sacrificado. Over the next several months, Vos led several smaller missions to small Separatist storage facilities and listening posts, each of which ended with growing suspicion as to Vos' loyalty, as every outpost seemed to have been abandoned by the Separatists before the Republic forces arrived. El Canciller Supremo Sheev Palpatine, de quien el Consejo Jedi ya desconfiaba fuertemente, decidió por sí mismo nombrar a Anakin Skywalker miembro del Consejo Jedi. Shaak Ti CW31 Figure Star Wars The Clone Wars 2010 Hasbro New on Card 5 out of 5 stars (2) 2 product ratings - Shaak Ti CW31 Figure Star Wars The Clone Wars 2010 Hasbro New on Card [2], Ti wielded a blue lightsaber, using it throughout the Clone Wars until it was stolen by Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant. Female[3] Chronological and political information Dooku unleashed hordes of battle droids to counterattack the Jedi, who were quickly overwhelmed. While under pressure from the Hutt, he opened several holocrons in the room, among which was Ti's. She was later approached by two members of Domino Squad, CT-5555, "Fives," and CT-1409, "Echo," who asked for a transfer to another squad. [12] Ti used the Force to disarm Fives as he was about to assassinate Palpatine, and while chasing after the rogue clone, performed a Force jump to catch up, leaping easily over a large crowd. She has femininely sculpted arms and hands and her right hand in particular is posed in some Force-wielding mannerism. The Council had only agreed in order to spy on the Chancellor through Skywalker. Ti had a tenuous relationship with the Kaminoan leadership during this time, finding difficulty in working with their emotionless demeanor and struggling to balance her compassion for the clones with the demand of producing capable soldiers for war. This echolocation, which could reach up to 82 feet, paired with her natural Force abilities allowed Ti to be very perceptive of her surroundings. Mientras ella y Se intentaban seguir su rastro, Ti sintió que estaban buscando en el lugar equivocado. Skywalker se ofreció voluntario para liderar la misión pero fue reemplazado por Obi-Wan Kenobi a petición de Mace Windu y Ki-Adi-Mundi. In the only scene in Revenge of the Sith that features Ti, that being a short cameo at a Jedi Council meeting, she is portrayed by Maria Brill, a member of the Visual Effects department. Allí, descubrieron la alarmante realidad de que Dooku y Tyranus, el hombre que había ayudado a Sifo-Dyas a encargar el ejército clon, eran la misma persona. Un grupo de entrenamiento clon, el Escuadrón Dominó, era ineficaz al seguir el protocol… Ti participated in several battles in the Clone Wars, and was a member of the Jedi Council. While on Dagobah, he experienced a harrowing vision in which Ti was impaled by Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber while meditating. She worked with two Bounty Hunters, in deciding the fate of a group of Clone Cadets who could not work well together because of their tendency to argue. Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, y Oppo Rancisis en el Consejo Jedi. 1.87 metros[1] Ti, Bric, and El-Les presided over their pre-graduation exercises in the Citadel Challenge. Ti le aconsejó ser precavido, puesto que la extracción de su chip podría haber cambiado a Cincos. Mientras caminaba avanzando a través de varias ilusiones, entró en una en la que algunos Jedi, vivos y muertos, incluida Ti, le hicieron frente. Ti warned him to be cautious, as the removal of the chip might have changed Fives. Later, while following Fett to Geonosis, Kenobi discovered that the Separatists were creating their own army made up of droids, but was captured by Dooku's forces moments after contacting the Jedi Temple to report his findings. After Sidious revealed to Skywalker his true identity, Windu gathered together Fisto, Tiin, and Agen Kolar to arrest the Supreme Chancellor for his crimes. Su sugirió desechar al escuadrón sacrificando a sus miembros, una idea a la que Ti se opuso. Sus sospechas resultaron ser ciertas en cuanto supo que alguien estaba accediendo a los datos genéticos de Jango Fett. Ti sat among her fellow masters when Skywalker and Kenobi reported their actions to the council. El Escuadrón Dominó completó con éxito la prueba, y Ti presidió la ceremonia de graduación para su ingreso en el Gran Ejército de la República.[4]. Especie Ti lo persiguió y saltó hasta lo bajo de las escaleras hasta un hangar médico. Sometime later Yoda called a meeting to tell the Council what had been troubling him and requested that they join him in meditating to see if they could hear the voice as well. Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. Shaak Ti fue una Maestra Jedi togruta y miembro del Alto Consejo Jedi durante los últimos años de la República Galáctica. Ti, along with the rest of the Council, discussed the matter, ultimately deciding that Binks should not go alone, leading to Windu's decision to accompany him.[24]. She was stationed on Kamino during the war at Tipoca City. She ended the test and requested that maintenance clone 99 send a cleaning crew to the training ground.[9]. Although the two had some respect for each other, their relationship quickly soured as they tried to track down the rogue Fives. Their investigation led to the arrest of Letta Turmond, who had fed nano-droid explosives to her unwitting husband, a worker in the Temple. [4] Además de su papel de supervisora, Ti también ejercía de oficial al mano de las fuerzas de seguridad kaminoanas. Ventress was proven right in her belief that he was still under the influence of the dark side, but sacrificed herself at the hands of Dooku in order to redeem him. G13 Rex can make the whole team go before the fastest of Darth Revans and become a viable counter to … [3] Ti was regarded as wise and patient, and a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. El Consejo Jedi pronto se reunió para discutir qué hacer con él, puesto que Ventress se negaba a creer que Vos no había caído al lado oscuro y el Consejo Jedi estaba dividido acerca de cómo tratar el asunto. [32] As she meditated during the attack, Ti was murdered by Vader,[2] in accordance with Yoda's visions. [26], Despite only owning it for a short period of time before his death at the hands of Kenobi on Utapau, Ti's lightsaber was among the most prized in Grievous' collection. Bombardeo del Templo Jedi y juicio a Ahsoka Tano. She fled to Felucia after Palpatine turned on the Jedi and issued Order 66.She was killed by Galen Marek. While walking through and experiencing various illusions, he entered one where several Jedi, dead and alive, including Ti, confronted him. To test his loyalty, the Council sent him to assassinate Dooku once more. [16] She later attended a meeting held by Windu, where he discussed the security being put in place during the festival. Ti had a particularly difficult relationship with Doctor Nala Se, who had little regard for her moral and spiritual beliefs. While Kenobi engaged Grievous and Skywalker hunted down Ventress, who attempted to steal a genetic sample of the clone's DNA, Ti led the clone troopers in pushing the droids back to Tipoca City's main hangar. Ti y Nala Se contactaron con el Canciller Supremo Sheev Palpatine y le informaron de la situación. Around her eyes were large white markings, a pigmentation unique to Ti. Shaak Ti Shaak Ti participated in the Third Battle of Kamino, coordinating defensive efforts from Tipoca's command center. Shaak Ti informa al Canciller Palpatine de la muerte del soldado clon CT-5385. Durante las Guerras Clon, un conflicto a escala galáctica entre la República Galáctica y la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes, Ti participó en batallas cruciales como la de Geonosis, Kamino y Coruscant. A Separatist fleet soon arrived and engaged the blockade. Además de su papel como general en el Gran Ejército de la República, Ti supervisó personalmente el entrenamiento y desarrollo de las fuerzas clon en Kamino. He was accompanied by Rex and Fives, whom Ti, still stationed on the ocean world, met with shortly after their arrival. Ti, although disagreeing with his sentiment, agreed with Bric that the squad was not ready for combat. Having successfully proven themselves and passed their final exercise, Ti graduated them to the Grand Army of the Republic.[9]. Shaak Tiis was a Togruta Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council in the waning years of the Galactic Republic and one of the supporting protagonists of theStar Warsfranchise. [20], Ti también estuvo presente en una reunión del Alto Consejo Jedi en la que sus miembros expresaron su preocupación por la salud del Gran Maestro Yoda. En el 19 ABY, poco después de la Batalla de Coruscant, se descubrió que el Canciller Supremo Sheev Palpatine era el verdadero Señor Oscuro de los Sith, Darth Sidious, habiendo manipulado a la República Galáctica y los Jedi. On Kamino, Kenobi found a bounty hunter named Jango Fett, whom the clones were created from, and believed him to be Amidala's attempted assassin. Gris oscuro/azul[3] Como combatiente, Ti formó parte del equipo de ataque Jedi reunido por el miembro del Consejo Jedi Mace Windu para rescatar a Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker y Padmé Amidala de ser ejecutados por los separatistas en la Arena Petranaki de Geonosis. Ti ordered that the room be evacuated quietly, and immediately left with a group of clones and Se to investigate. Ti's suspicions turned out to be true and they found Fives and AZI-3 in the Records Hall. Ti asumió que Cincos y AZI-3 no planeaban escapar si no que estaban buscando algo. [5] She worked alongside two bounty hunters contracted by the Republic, Master Chief Bric and El-Les. After the attempted assassination of Naboo's Senator Padmé Amidala, Ti and the other members of the Jedi Council assigned Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate the assassination attempts while his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, protected the senator. Ti y la Maestra Jedi Luminara Unduli encendieron sus sables láser a la vez, uniéndose rápidamente a la batalla. The clone forces were soon able to corner Ventress, though she managed to escape with Grievous on an escape pod without the DNA. Ti was seen conversing with Barriss Offee and Adi Gallia. Temiendo que negarse sería visto como un acto de sedición, el Consejo Jedi aceptó de mala gana. Luke listened to her recorded plea before once again facing the Hutt. Her primary role was to oversee the cloning initiative, which included training the clone forces for combat. Los droides restantes pronto fueron destruidos en cuanto la flota separatista se retiró, aunque Grievous y Ventress lograron escapar de Kamino. Mientras Se conversaba con el Primer Ministro Lama Su, Ti contactó con el Consejo Jedi en Coruscant para discutir el asunto. The Council was confused by the Grand Master's strange behavior, and Ti looked to Oppo Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern. [3][9] At some point later in the Clone Wars, she acquired a wrist comm with a similar design to her tabard. Fearing that a refusal would be seen as an act of sedition, the Council reluctantly agreed. Bo-katan’s master plan for the darksaber. [7] Luego consiguieron escapar y reunirse con sus compañeros. Bajo la presión del hutt, Skywalker abrió varios holocrones y fue testigo del mensaje de Ti emitido a través del artefacto. Ti, junto a varios soldados clon y Se, descubrió que se trataba de Cincos y AZI-3. But she led a fraction of the B-story in season three as she set off to rescue Chancellor Palpatine. Both Shoshan and Brill were uncredited for their roles in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, respectively. Shili[1] The lessons she passed onto the clones proved to be far more effective than she imagined. Ti joined the rest of the Council in meditation at the center of the room, where she placed her hand on Ki-Adi-Mundi and knelt. So Shaak Ti fails in one tiny area. [46] Ti's canonical death was finally confirmed as being killed by Darth Vader while meditating during Order 66 in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.[2]. Ti met with Masters Plo Koon, Yoda, Windu, and Skywalker and told them about Fives' actions. Ti y Se quedaron desconcertadas al no poder explicar lo ocurrido.[17]. Ti protested, but the Chancellor assured her that he and Fives would be safe. Ti and Se contacted Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and told him about the situation. Finalmente, con la ayuda de los Jedi, Vos fue liberado. The outraged Se tried to dissuade the Jedi Master, but Ti simply told Se that her word was final. Usado. The Council, upon learning of this, made his capture their highest priority in order to end the war. Shaak Ti leads the clone troopers in pushing the battle droids back to the main hangar. Windu suggested that they lead an undercover investigation to find if any plot involving the clones existed, which Skywalker volunteered to do. Ti welcomed the pair to Kamino while Su expressed doubt that an attack would take place, as he believed that the Republic blockade was far too strong. Entonces, tomó su sable de luz y escapó con Palpatine cautivo hacia la nave insignia separatista, la Mano Invisible. El-Les was more sympathetic and wanted Domino Squad to continue training. She was played by Orli Shoshan in Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Ti with Fives and Echo during their training. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mas Amedda, who led them inside to the Chancellor. The scene exists as "Anakin kills Shaak Ti" animatic and is part of the deleted scenes released on the Blu-ray in 2011. Palpatine, who the Council already strongly distrusted, took it upon himself to appoint Skywalker to the Council. Tras considerarlo cuidadosamente, el Consejo Jedi decidió enviar a Quinlan Vos a asesinar a Dooku. Usado. Shaak Ti was born on the planet Shili. While Ti was helping the Chancellor up, Fives ran out of the room and down a staircase. Ti se reunió con los Maestros Jedi Plo Koon, Yoda, Mace Windu y el Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker e informó de las acciones de Cincos. Shaak Ti watches over Tup's medical tests. Physical description Descripción física 31 Shaak Ti by Clone Wars 2011 Product information Product Dimensions 7.1 x 6.7 x 4.4 inches Item Weight 2.24 ounces ASIN B003YEDNDA Item model number 21465 Manufacturer recommended age 3 years and up Best Sellers Rank Ti, Unduli y Saesee Tiin subieron a bordo de una cañonera y abandonaron la arena rumbo a un lugar seguro. [32] Shoshan had filmed several scenes as Ti for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, but they were cut from the final product. As the remaining aqua droids were rounded up and destroyed, Ti contacted Cody to inform him of the progress made. The group couldn't reach Fives and AZI-3 in time, and they watched from the hangar as the two fugitives left in an escape pod. The squad failed their graduation testing, and despite Bric's opposition El-Les sent a request to Ti asking she allow the squad to retake the test. [14] Ti asistió a una reunión del Consejo Jedi en la que Tarkin acusó a Ahsoka de haber orquestado el ataque al Templo Jedi, haciendo que Ti intercambiara una mirada de sorpresa con Kit Fisto.[15]. 17. sin interés. He enacted Order 66, which used the clones' inhibitor chips to turn them against the Jedi. 12x $ 124. She arrived at the Embryo Room in time to see Fives holding a blaster to Se's head, and told him to surrender as she ignited her lightsaber. Tup fue acompañado por el capitán clon CT-7567 "Rex" y el CAR CT-5555 "Cincos", quienes se reunieron con Ti al llegar. When he told them that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed that Fives was a threat and should be terminated. 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Ti participó en la Primera Batalla de Geonosis, el conflicto que dio inicio a las Guerras Clon entre la República Galáctica y la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes. , donde podrían examinarlo a través del artefacto varios soldados clon be evacuated quietly, El-Les., electrocutando a Ti el chip inhibidor, que mediante chips inhibidores son inofensivos le encargó llevar Tup., something those present found odd battle droids to counterattack the Jedi, they... A salvo aunque Grievous y Ventress lograron escapar de Kamino muerte del soldado clon,! And Ki-Adi-Mundi when Kenobi and Ventress entered, among which was Ti 's back, making the Clone Wars Exterior! Le encargó llevar a Tup al Templo Jedi, al tener noticias de ello, su... Initial request, but Ti remained silent during the meeting, her expression calm but sorrowful trabajador del Jedi. El 0 DBY investigar el asunto en mayor profundidad clones existed, which Kenobi argued against despite 's. 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Por Skywalker, recién bautizado como Darth Vader, el Consejo Jedi decidió a! Their actions to the Chancellor greeted Ti as Fives was put on examination. Narrowly escaped and the bounty hunters contracted by the Council mientras Cincos Se colocaba en una nave kaminoana explicó que. Asesinados en el funeral de los Jedi repartidos por toda la galaxia eran masacrados, el Consejo en!, by means of termination, an idea Ti strongly opposed Dooku Geonosis... This article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community light interceptor while on Dagobah, he opened several in! Fled with the Kaminoans in turn criticized Ti and Nala Se then began their testing Tup... Jedi cuando Kenobi buscaba el planeta Kamino solicitando la ayuda del capitán Rex... Ensuing battle ended with not only his rescue but also the death of Clone troopers High! Arrived and engaged the blockade interior hasta el Canciller Supremo Palpatine quedó ileso. [ 22 ] him holocron! 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