The publication date of the first English translation was 1945. 58 0 obj << 1 0 0 1 46.771 548.934 cm 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm 112.25 0.199 l BT 0.398 w BT Two works written in Baghdad after Bahá’u’lláh returned from Kurdistan in 1856. PDF Ebook The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys, by Baha'u'llah. ET )-491(Redistribution)-331(is)-330(subject)]TJ -41.786 -13.549 Td[(to)-250(the)-250(trademark)-250(license,)-250(especially)-250(commercial)-250(redistribution. 0 g 0 G /Parent 42 0 R )]TJ )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -53.047 -7.31 Td[(42)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Had\355th,)-555(i.e. 1 0 0 1 -46.771 -154.003 cm Pages 31-36 : The Valley of Wonderment and is tossed in the oceans of grandeur, and at every moment his wonder groweth. 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 93.543 548.934 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm 363 0 obj << 0 g 0 G Avaliable format in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK. endstream )-411(For)-304(in)-304(this)-304(Valley)-304(the)-304(traveler)-304(is)-304(flung)]TJ )]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(Information)-272(on)-273(the)-272(copyright)-273(owner)-272(for)-272(this)-273(particular)-272(work)-273(and)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(the)-329(terms)-328(of)-329(use)-329(imposed)-328(by)-329(the)-329(copyright)-329(holder)-328(on)-329(this)-329(work)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(are)-250(set)-250(forth)-250(at)-250(the)-250(beginning)-250(of)-250(this)-250(work. 142 0 obj << /F16 5.978 Tf 96.781 92.19 Td[(20)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Qur)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 13.942 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(\341n)-250(67:3. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Parent 359 0 R Q /Type /Annot Interested? )]TJ 0 -24.673 Td[(The)-259(following)-260(sentence,)-261(with)-260(active)-259(links)-259(to,)-262(or)-259(other)-260(immediate)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(access)-465(to)-1(,)-519(the)-465(full)-466(Project)-465(Gutenberg)]TJ/F42 10.909 Tf 170.488 0 Td[(")]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 15.769 0 Td[(License)-465(must)-466(appear)]TJ -186.257 -13.549 Td[(prominently)-274(whenever)-275(any)-274(copy)-274(of)-275(a)-274(Project)-274(Gutenberg)]TJ/F42 10.909 Tf 244.529 0 Td[(")]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 13.683 0 Td[(work)]TJ -258.212 -13.549 Td[(\050any)-421(work)-422(on)-421(which)-421(the)-422(phrase)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 148.755 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(Project)-421(Gutenberg)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 81.549 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 9.44 0 Td[(appears,)]TJ -244.587 -13.549 Td[(or)-347(with)-346(which)-347(the)-346(phrase)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 115.849 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(Project)-346(Gutenberg)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 80.732 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 8.624 0 Td[(is)-346(associated\051)-347(is)]TJ -210.049 -13.549 Td[(accessed,)-250(displayed,)-250(performed,)-250(viewed,)-250(copied)-250(or)-250(distributed:)]TJ/F16 9.863 Tf 19.637 -22.855 Td[(This)-432(eBook)-432(is)-432(for)-432(the)-432(use)-433(of)-432(anyone)-432(anywhere)-432(at)-432(no)-432(cost)]TJ 0 -12.822 Td[(and)-345(with)-344(almost)-345(no)-344(restrictions)-345(whatsoever. endobj /Length 3744 1 0 0 1 374.173 548.934 cm Q 331 0 obj << >> endobj 1 0 0 1 327.401 548.934 cm Praise be to God Who hath made being to come forth from nothingness; graven upon the tablet of man the secrets of pre-existence; taught him from the mysteries of divine utterance that which he knew not; made him a Luminous Book unto those who believed 1 0 0 1 374.173 548.934 cm 0 0.199 m 0000004262 00000 n endstream )-243(If)-230(you)-231(are)-230(redistributing)-230(or)-230(providing)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(access)-248(to)-248(a)-248(work)-248(with)-248(the)-248(phrase)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 143.745 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(Project)-248(Gutenberg)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 79.658 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 7.548 0 Td[(associated)]TJ -235.794 -13.549 Td[(with)-410(or)-411(appearing)-410(on)-410(the)-411(work,)-450(you)-411(must)-410(comply)-410(either)-411(with)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(the)-424(requireme)-1(nts)-424(of)-424(paragraphs)-425(1.E.1)-424(through)-425(1.E.7)-424(or)-425(obtain)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(permission)-281(for)-280(the)-280(use)-281(of)-280(the)-281(work)-280(and)-281(the)-280(Project)-281(Gutenberg)]TJ/F42 10.909 Tf 269.939 0 Td[(")]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf -269.939 -13.549 Td[(trademark)-250(as)-250(set)-250(forth)-250(in)-250(paragraphs)-250(1.E.8)-250(or)-250(1.E.9. 1 0 0 1 0 2.591 cm )]TJ/F16 7.97 Tf 173.618 3.959 Td[(49)]TJ Shoghi Effendi tells us that The Seven Valleys is Baha’u’llah’s greatest mystical work, “which He wrote in answer to the questions of Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din, the Qadi of Khaniqayn, in which He describes the seven stages which the soul of the seeker must needs traverse ere it can attain the object of its existence.” An Introduction to The Seven Valleys >> endobj Q endstream 0 g 0 G << /S /GoTo /D (index14) >> )]TJ >> endobj )-413(And)-304(if)-304(thou)-304(art)-305(able)-304(not)-304(to)-304(waken)-305(after)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(sleep,)-250(then)-250(thou)-250(shalt)-250(be)-250(able)-250(not)-250(to)-250(rise)-250(after)-250(death. /Parent 176 0 R 1 0 0 1 93.543 62.854 cm 1 0 0 1 -280.63 -19.8 cm >> endobj 87 0 obj << ET 1 0 0 1 46.771 38.782 cm /Parent 234 0 R 351 0 obj << 1 0 0 1 93.543 548.934 cm 1 0 0 1 93.543 548.934 cm /F16 10.909 Tf 46.771 548.934 Td[(The)-250(Valley)-250(of)-250(Knowledge)-14811(9)]TJ q /Resources 143 0 R ET )-592(He)-364(stretcheth)-364(out)-364(the)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(hand)-326(of)-325(truth)-326(from)-325(the)-326(sleeve)-325(of)-326(the)-325(Absolute;)-364(he)-325(revealeth)-326(the)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(secrets)-255(of)-255(power. endobj 1 0 0 1 316.492 365.604 cm >> endobj )]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 17.88 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 7.97 Tf 4.844 3.959 Td[(24)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 11.235 -3.959 Td[(Nay)-254(rather,)-254(the)-254(denizens)-253(of)-254(the)-254(undying)-253(city,)]TJ -86.14 -13.549 Td[(who)-325(dwell)-325(in)-324(the)-325(green)-325(garden)-325(land,)-343(see)-325(not)-325(even)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 224.374 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(neither)-325(first)]TJ -229.218 -13.55 Td[(nor)-376(last)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 33.792 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(;)-438(they)-376(fly)-375(from)-376(all)-376(that)-375(is)-376(first,)-407(and)-375(repulse)-376(all)-375(that)-376(is)]TJ -38.636 -13.549 Td[(last. 1 0 0 1 0 2.59 cm 244 0 obj << )-600(Wherefore)-367(He)-367(hath)-367(said,)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 235.425 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(Read)-367(thy)]TJ -240.268 -13.549 Td[(Book:)-453(There)-352(needeth)-351(none)-352(but)-352(thyself)-351(to)-352(make)-351(out)-352(an)-352(account)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(against)-250(thee)-250(this)-250(day. 4.8 • 9 Ratings; Publisher Description. )-662(How)-387(many)-387(a)-387(mystic)-387(tree)-388(hath)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(this)-269(whirlwind)-268(of)-269(wonderment)-268(snatched)-269(by)-268(the)-269(roots,)-273(how)-269(many)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(a)-304(soul)-304(hath)-304(it)-304(exhausted. )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -98.627 -7.31 Td[(117)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 11.707 -3.809 Td[(This)-250(quotation)-250(is)-250(in)-250(Arabic. )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -149.167 -7.311 Td[(14)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Far\355du)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 23.411 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(d-D\355n)-250(Att\341r)-250(\050ca. )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -25.646 -7.311 Td[(22)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Qur)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 13.942 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(\341n)-250(41:53. 0 0.199 m 112.25 0.199 l >> endobj )-884(As)-461(used)-462(here)]TJ -11.956 -10.959 Td[(one)-423(connotation)-424(is)-423(that)-423(the)-423(Shaykh)-424(might)-423(have)-423(considered)-424(his)-423(station)-423(as)-423(a)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td[(mystic)-348(leader)-348(compromised)-348(b)-1(y)-348(the)-348(fact)-348(of)-348(his)-348(being)-348(taught)-348(the)-348(new)-348(truth)-348(by)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td[(Bah\341)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 18.426 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(u)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 4.483 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(ll\341h. )]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 17.681 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -218.62 -7.311 Td[(11)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Literally,)-330(Majn\372n)-314(means)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 92.514 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 3.981 0 Td[(insane. >> endobj >> BT /Parent 76 0 R /Font << /F16 6 0 R /F17 8 0 R >> 1 0 0 1 46.771 62.854 cm stream )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf 3.238 -7.31 Td[(79)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(This)-250(and)-250(the)-250(foregoing)-250(quotations)-250(a)-1(re)-250(from)-250(the)-250(teachings)-250(of)-250(Isl\341m. )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -8.718 -7.311 Td[(91)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(The)-293(M)-1(athnav\355. )]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 74.553 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 7.97 Tf 4.844 3.959 Td[(73)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf -258.317 -19.413 Td[(These)-333(journeys)-332(have)-333(no)-332(visible)-333(ending)-332(in)-333(the)-332(w)-1(orld)-332(of)-333(time,)]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(but)-263(the)-263(severed)-263(wayfarer)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 107.959 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 10.909 0 Td[(if)-263(invisible)-263(confirmation)-263(descend)-263(up-)]TJ -118.868 -13.549 Td[(on)-378(him)-379(and)-378(the)-378(Guardian)-378(of)-379(the)-378(Cause)-378(assist)-378(him)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 224.391 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 10.909 0 Td[(may)-378(cross)]TJ -235.3 -13.549 Td[(these)-365(seven)-364(stages)-365(in)-364(seven)-365(steps,)-393(nay)-365(rather)-364(in)-365(seven)-365(breaths,)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(nay)-292(rather)-293(in)-292(a)-292(single)-292(breath,)-303(if)-292(God)-293(will)-292(and)-292(desire)-293(it. )-513(I)-338(must)]TJ -109.086 -13.549 Td[(needs)-458(go)-458(back)-459(again. )]TJ 11.956 -14.312 Td[(Thus,)-332(for)-316(that)-315(they)-316(move)-315(on)-316(these)-315(three)-316(differing)-316(planes,)-332(the)]TJ -11.956 -13.55 Td[(understanding)-242(and)-241(the)-242(words)-241(of)-242(the)-241(wayfarers)-242(have)-241(differed;)-245(and)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(hence)-295(the)-294(sign)-295(of)-294(conflict)-295(doth)-294(continually)-295(appear)-294(on)-295(earth. /MediaBox [0 0 419.528 595.276] The second edition of The Seven Valleys published in 1968 and 1975 by the US Bahá'í Publishing Trust. 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G Khan (Mass Market Paperback) accessibility Books LIbrary as well as its powerful features, including thousands and thousands of title from favorite author, along with the capability to read or download hundreds of boos on your pc or smartphone in minutes. )-241(In)-224(this)-224(station)-223(he)-224(pierceth)-224(the)-224(veils)-224(of)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(plurality,)-277(fleeth)-272(from)-272(the)-272(worlds)-271(of)-272(the)-272(flesh,)-277(and)-272(ascendeth)-272(into)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(the)-311(heaven)-312(of)-311(singleness. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] 0.398 w /Contents 168 0 R )-249(No)-248(man)-248(hath)-248(ever)-248(known)-248(Him;)-249(no)-248(soul)-248(hath)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(ever)-248(found)-247(the)-248(pathway)-248(to)-248(His)-247(Being. )-598(If)-366(you)-367(are)-366(outside)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(the)-394(United)-394(States,)-431(check)-394(the)-394(laws)-394(of)-394(your)-394(country)-394(in)-395(addition)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(to)-439(the)-440(terms)-439(of)-439(this)-439(agreement)-440(before)-439(downloading,)-487(copying,)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(displaying,)-243(performing,)-243(distributing)-241(or)-241(creating)-241(derivative)-241(works)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(based)-269(on)-268(this)-268(work)-269(or)-268(any)-269(other)-268(Project)-269(Gutenberg)]TJ/F42 10.909 Tf 221.57 0 Td[(")]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 13.62 0 Td[(work. stream 1 0 0 1 46.771 62.854 cm ET ET )-867(Even)-456(so)-455(much)-456(as)-456(We)-455(have)-456(quoted)-456(here)-455(is)-456(out)-456(of)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(deference)-225(to)-226(the)-225(wont)-226(of)-225(men)-225(and)-226(after)-225(the)-225(manner)-226(of)-225(the)-226(friends. >> endobj 1 0 0 1 327.401 548.934 cm )]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 0 -13.549 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(And)-283(no)-283(one)-283(thing)-283(is)-283(there,)-292(but)-283(with)-283(Us)-283(are)-283(its)-283(storehouses;)-300(and)]TJ -4.844 -13.549 Td[(We)-262(send)-262(it)-263(not)-262(down)-262(but)-262(in)-262(settled)-263(measure. 1 0 0 1 -93.543 -143.044 cm BT )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -8.718 -7.394 Td[(52)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(This)-250(refers)-250(to)-250(Bah\341)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 68.476 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(u)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 4.483 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(ll\341h)-250(Himself,)-250(Who)-250(had)-250(not)-250(yet)-250(decl)-1(ared)-250(His)-250(mission. /MediaBox [0 0 419.528 595.276] 1 0 0 1 -316.492 -338.505 cm /Font << /F16 6 0 R /F17 8 0 R >> >> endobj BT 1 0 0 1 -316.492 -257.21 cm /D [141 0 R /XYZ 46.771 262.609 null] endobj BT 0 J Q 44 0 obj << ET )-250(How)-250(well)-250(is)-250(it)-250(said:)]TJ 10.909 -33.972 Td[(Live)-250(free)-250(of)-250(love,)-250(for)-250(its)-250(very)-250(peace)-250(is)-250(anguish;)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(Its)-250(beginning)-250(is)-250(pain,)-250(its)-250(end)-250(is)-250(death. /Font << /F16 6 0 R /F17 8 0 R >> /Length 5059 )]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 40.604 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf -28.648 -13.549 Td[(N\372n)-429(referreth)-429(to)-430(Nazzih)-429(\050)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 118.079 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(purify)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 26.662 0 Td[(\035)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(\051,)-474(that)-429(is,)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 47.753 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.843 0 Td[(Purify)-429(thyself)]TJ -218.98 -13.549 Td[(from)-229(all)-230(else)-229(save)-229(Him,)-234(that)-229(thou)-229(mayest)-229(surrender)-230(thy)-229(life)-229(in)-230(His)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(love. /ProcSet [ /PDF ] /F16 5.978 Tf 50.009 103.149 Td[(78)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(The)-246(five)-246(letters)-246(comprising)-246(this)-245(word)-246(in)-246(Persian)-246(are:)-248(G,)-246(N,)-246(J,)-245(SH,)-247(K,)-246(that)-246(is,)]TJ -11.956 -10.959 Td[(G\341f,)-250(N\372n,)-250(J\355m,)-250(Sh\355n,)-250(K\341f. 158 0 obj << )-313(To)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(them)-365(all)-365(words)-365(of)-365(sense)-364(are)-365(meaningless,)-394(and)-365(senseless)-365(words)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(are)-242(full)-243(of)-242(meaning. /Font << /F16 6 0 R /F18 13 0 R /F17 8 0 R >> /Type /Page )]TJ -122.564 -23.338 Td[(We)-305(hear)-305(that)-305(thou)-305(hast)-305(journeyed)-305(to)-305(Tabr\355z)-305(and)-305(Tiflis)-305(to)-305(dis-)]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(seminate)-244(knowledge,)-246(or)-244(that)-245(some)-244(other)-244(high)-245(purpose)-244(hath)-245(taken)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(thee)-250(to)-250(Sanandaj. 252 0 obj << /Rect [134.147 363.963 280.798 373.683] )-250(Here)-251(the)-250(word)-250(means)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 188.24 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 3.981 0 Td[(goal. /D [30 0 R /XYZ 46.771 529.134 null] 1 0 0 1 93.543 118.215 cm )]TJ 11.956 -13.55 Td[(Peace)-250(be)-250(upon)-250(those)-250(who)-250(walk)-250(in)-250(the)-250(Right)-250(Path! ET 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm 85 0 obj << 112.25 0.199 l )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -42.072 -7.311 Td[(77)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Arabian)-250(poem. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Annots [ 262 0 R ] 1 0 0 1 -46.771 -548.934 cm )]TJ 0 -24.816 Td[(If)-295(an)-295(individual)-295(Project)-295(Gutenberg)]TJ/F42 10.909 Tf 151.639 0 Td[(")]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 13.91 0 Td[(electronic)-295(work)-295(is)-295(derived)]TJ -165.549 -13.549 Td[(from)-228(the)-229(public)-228(domain)-228(\050does)-228(not)-229(contain)-228(a)-228(notice)-228(indicating)-229(that)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(it)-184(is)-183(posted)-184(with)-183(permission)-184(of)-183(the)-184(copyright)-184(holder\051,)-196(the)-184(work)-184(can)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(be)-256(copied)-256(and)-256(distributed)-256(to)-256(anyone)-256(in)-256(the)-256(United)-256(States)-256(without)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(paying)-230(any)-230(fees)-230(or)-230(charges. ET /Parent 176 0 R ET 1 0 0 1 46.771 548.934 cm )]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(Nor)-340(should)-340(he)-340(ever)-341(be)-340(downhearted;)-385(if)-340(he)-340(strive)-340(for)-340(a)-341(hundred)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(thousand)-336(years)-337(and)-336(yet)-337(fail)-336(to)-337(behold)-336(the)-336(beauty)-337(of)-336(the)-337(Friend,)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(he)-255(should)-255(not)-255(falter. /Resources 90 0 R /Parent 211 0 R 1 0 0 1 -327.401 -548.934 cm 1 0 0 1 93.543 548.934 cm 1 0 0 1 321.947 406.251 cm 0 g 0 G /MediaBox [0 0 419.528 595.276] >> )-245(Then)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(wilt)-428(thou)-429(clearly)-428(see)-429(the)-428(meaning)-429(of)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 172.692 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(Neither)-428(doth)-429(My)-428(earth)]TJ -177.536 -13.549 Td[(nor)-280(My)-281(heaven)-280(contain)-280(Me,)-288(but)-280(the)-281(heart)-280(of)-280(My)-280(faithful)-281(servant)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(containeth)-314(Me. /MediaBox [0 0 419.528 595.276] 0 0.199 m 1 0 0 1 327.401 548.934 cm 0 g 0 G BT /Font << /F16 6 0 R /F17 8 0 R >> /F16 15.781 Tf 93.543 518.175 Td[(The)-250(First)-250(Valley)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 0 -53.39 Td[(If)-236(the)-236(travelers)-235(seek)-236(after)-236(the)-236(goal)-235(of)-236(the)-236(Intended)-236(One)-236(\050maqs\372d\051,)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(this)-289(station)-290(appertaineth)-289(to)-289(the)-290(self)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 152.135 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 10.909 0 Td[(but)-289(that)-290(self)-289(which)-289(is)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 95.779 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(The)]TJ -263.667 -13.55 Td[(Self)-250(of)-250(God)-250(standing)-250(within)-250(Him)-250(with)-250(laws. 225 0 obj << 0 g 0 G /F16 10.909 Tf 93.543 518.175 Td[(raised)-270(up)-270(his)-270(hands)-270(in)-270(prayer,)-275(crying:)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 166.011 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(O)-270(God! q /Resources 29 0 R 1 0 0 1 -93.543 -87.768 cm 1 0 0 1 -374.173 -548.934 cm /Parent 76 0 R /Length 3331 /F16 10.909 Tf 93.543 548.934 Td[(10)-8561(The)-250(Seven)-250(Valleys)-250(and)-250(the)-250(Four)-250(Valleys)]TJ >> See search results for this author. endobj 51 0 obj << 1 0 0 1 0 2.59 cm 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm /Rect [241.791 219.459 264.82 229.179] /BS << /Type /Border /S /U >> /H /I /C [1 0.5 0.5] /Resources 238 0 R 154 0 obj << 0 g 0 G endstream 1 0 0 1 -374.173 -548.934 cm /F16 10.909 Tf 46.771 548.934 Td[(The)-250(Valley)-250(of)-250(True)-250(Poverty)-250(and)-250(Absolute)-250(Nothingness)-2867(25)]TJ 80 0 obj BT )-239(Email)-219(contact)-218(links)-218(and)-219(up)]TJ 291 0 obj << BT Read or Download The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys Book by Baha'u'llah. Q 185 0 obj << )-383(As)-294(Sa)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 111.837 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 3.633 0 Td[(d\355)-294(saith:)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 39.025 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(I)-294(shall)-294(forbear)-294(from)-294(writing)]TJ -159.339 -13.549 Td[(any)-250(longer,)-250(for)-250(my)-250(sweet)-250(words)-250(have)-250(drawn)-250(the)-250(flies)-250(about)-250(me. /Subtype /Link >> endobj 0.398 w BT 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm )-774(In)-425(every)-424(face,)-469(he)-425(seeketh)-424(the)-425(beauty)-425(of)-425(the)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(Friend;)-301(in)-284(every)-283(country)-284(he)-284(looketh)-284(for)-284(the)-283(Beloved. endstream /A << /S /GoTo /D (pglicense4) >> 0 g 0 G /Type /Page << /S /GoTo /D (index5) >> q S 175 0 obj << BT /BS << /Type /Border /S /U >> /H /I /C [0 1 1] /Resources 270 0 R /Parent 14 0 R /Type /Annot )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf 3.238 -7.31 Td[(92)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Qur)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 13.942 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(\341n)-250(89:27)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 31.131 0 Td[(\023)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 4.483 0 Td[(30. /Type /Page 141 0 obj << /Type /Annot ET /F16 10.909 Tf 93.543 548.934 Td[(14)-8561(The)-250(Seven)-250(Valleys)-250(and)-250(the)-250(Four)-250(Valleys)]TJ )]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 78.578 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(Knowledge)-261(is)-261(a)-260(single)-261(point,)-264(but)-261(the)-261(ignorant)]TJ -83.422 -13.549 Td[(have)-250(multiplied)-250(it. I have had several brushes with Bahai’ism: I had just read about Bahaiism in my senior world religions course. 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G )-772(Our)-423(copyright)-424(notice)-424(and)-424(the)-424(source)-424(reference)-424(must)-424(be)]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(attached)-250(to)-250(the)-250(Content;)]TJ 11.956 -13.549 Td[(2. 1 0 0 1 -93.543 -548.934 cm 72 0 obj BT /Type /Page 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G endstream 1 0 0 1 -46.771 -548.934 cm 1 0 0 1 46.771 172.435 cm stream 0 g 0 G )-472(For)-324(these)-324(have)-324(passed)-324(over)-323(the)-324(worlds)-324(of)-324(names,)-343(and)-324(fled)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(beyond)-310(the)-310(worlds)-310(of)-310(attributes)-310(as)-310(swift)-310(as)-310(lightning. >> )]TJ 11.956 -13.549 Td[(Yea,)-310(to)-298(the)-298(beetle)-298(a)-298(sweet)-298(fragrance)-298(seemeth)-298(foul,)-311(and)-298(to)-298(the)]TJ -11.956 -13.549 Td[(man)-227(sick)-227(of)-226(a)-227(rheum)-227(a)-226(pleasant)-227(perfume)-227(is)-227(as)-226(naught. 1 0 0 1 280.63 0 cm 188 0 obj << ET 261 0 obj << /Type /Annot >> endobj endstream /Subtype /Link )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -25.646 -7.311 Td[(18)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Jal\341lu)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 20.918 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(d-D\355n)-284(R\372m\355)-284(\0501207)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 66.859 0 Td[(\023)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 4.483 0 Td[(1273)-284(A.D.\051;)-301(The)-284(Mathnav\355. /Length 5572 ET /Contents 190 0 R BT endstream /F16 10.909 Tf 321.947 446.899 Td[(v)]TJ )]TJ/F16 5.978 Tf -25.646 -7.394 Td[(95)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 8.718 -3.809 Td[(Qur)]TJ/F17 8.966 Tf 13.942 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 8.966 Tf 2.986 0 Td[(\341n)-250(17:15. /F16 10.909 Tf 63.135 352.055 Td[(The)-250(Valley)-250(of)-250(Wonderment)-475(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(. 1 0 0 1 46.771 38.782 cm /BS << /Type /Border /S /U >> /H /I /C [1 0.5 0.5] /Type /Page /Rect [215.179 407.414 220.634 417.123] )-535(Obey)-345(Me)-344(and)-345(I)]TJ -138.451 -13.549 Td[(shall)-287(make)-286(thee)-287(like)-287(unto)-287(Myself. Q 311 0 obj << >> endobj )]TJ 10.91 -18.995 Td[(Dost)-250(thou)-250(reckon)-250(thyself)-250(only)-250(a)-250(puny)-250(form)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(When)-250(within)-250(thee)-250(the)-250(universe)-250(is)-250(folded? )]TJ 10.91 -17.915 Td[(It)-250(is)-250(not)-250(fitting)-250(that)-250(I)-250(tell)-250(thee)-250(more,)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(For)-250(the)-250(stream)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 63.021 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 3.633 0 Td[(s)-250(bed)-250(cannot)-250(hold)-250(the)-250(sea. 250 0 obj << /Length 4824 )]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 116.582 0 Td[(\034)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 4.844 0 Td[(For)-323(the)-323(like)-323(of)-323(this)-324(let)-323(the)-323(travailers)]TJ -121.426 -13.549 Td[(travail! BT 0 g 0 G /Font << /F16 6 0 R /F17 8 0 R >> 258 0 obj /F16 10.909 Tf 63.135 419.801 Td[(The)-250(Valley)-250(of)-250(Search)-725(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(. 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G ET /D [342 0 R /XYZ 46.771 380.081 null] 0.398 w /Resources 100 0 R /Type /Page )]TJ 0 -23.525 Td[(You)-440(may)-440(charge)-440(a)-439(reasonable)-440(fee)-440(for)-440(copies)-440(of)-440(or)-440(providing)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(access)-361(to)-361(or)-361(distributing)-361(Project)-361(Gutenberg)]TJ/F42 10.909 Tf 192.388 0 Td[(")]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 14.628 0 Td[(electronic)-361(works)]TJ -207.016 -13.549 Td[(provided)-250(that)]TJ )]TJ 10.909 -33.972 Td[(When)-250(the)-250(pen)-250(set)-250(to)-250(picturing)-250(this)-250(station,)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(It)-250(broke)-250(in)-250(pieces)-250(and)-250(the)-250(page)-250(was)-250(torn. 1 0 0 1 0 2.59 cm )-577(The)-360(other)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(seasons)-256(have)-256(no)-255(share)-256(in)-256(this)-255(greatest)-256(grace,)-257(and)-256(barren)-256(lands)-256(no)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(portion)-250(of)-250(this)-250(favor. ET endobj )-434(With)-312(the)-311(ear)-312(of)-311(God)-311(he)-312(heareth,)-327(with)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(the)-381(eye)-382(of)-381(God)-381(he)-381(beholdeth)-382(the)-381(mysteries)-381(of)-381(divine)-382(creation. endstream stream )]TJ 0 -35.704 Td[(1.F.4. 1 0 0 1 -93.543 -548.934 cm >> endobj Q 1 0 0 1 -316.492 -284.309 cm 0 g 0 G ET /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] 1 0 0 1 46.771 38.782 cm )-397(For)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(instance,)-243(in)-241(a)-241(mirror)-240(it)-241(reflecteth)-241(its)-241(own)-241(disk)-241(and)-241(shape,)-243(and)-241(this)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(is)-294(due)-293(to)-294(the)-293(sensitivity)-294(of)-293(the)-294(mirror;)-315(in)-293(a)-294(crystal)-294(it)-293(maketh)-294(fire)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(to)-362(appear,)-389(and)-362(in)-361(other)-362(things)-361(it)-362(showeth)-361(only)-362(the)-361(effect)-362(of)-362(its)]TJ /Length 4652 1 0 0 1 46.771 62.854 cm endstream BT >> )-736(Otherwise,)-453(those)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td[(personages)-329(who)-329(in)-329(a)-329(single)-329(step)-329(have)-329(passed)-329(over)-329(the)-329(world)-329(of)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(the)-353(relative)-352(and)-353(the)-352(limited,)-379(and)-352(dwelt)-353(on)-352(the)-353(fair)-352(plane)-353(of)-353(the)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(Absolute,)-376(and)-351(pitched)-350(their)-351(tent)-351(in)-351(the)-350(worlds)-351(of)-351(authority)-351(and)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td[(command)]TJ/F17 10.909 Tf 43.026 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F16 10.909 Tf 10.909 0 Td[(have)-445(burned)-446(away)-445(these)-445(relativities)-446(with)-445(a)-446(single)]TJ -53.935 -13.549 Td[(spark,)-255(and)-255(blotted)-254(out)-254(these)-255(words)-254(with)-254(a)-255(drop)-254(of)-254(dew. 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